It happens to me daily, or close to daily. I find a new blog, browse around, like it and then search for the box to type in my email to subscribe. Not there. I search for a ‘sign up for email updates’ button. Not there. I look under the ‘rss’ button, ’email’ isn’t an option.

So I just leave, disappointed. Even if you have just 15 followers, I beg you to set up email subscriptions. I only follow blogs by email and SO many blogs don’t have email set up, it drives me batty. Please set up email subscriptions if you have a blog because I want to follow you!

It’s very basic, you don’t need any real tech knowledge at all. If you’re looking for a tutorial that lays it all out for you, click here to see the one I found. It explains what to do if you have a blogger/blogspot, typepad or wordpress blog.


This post currently has 5 responses.

  • I love your blog and now I’m a follower on GFC.

  • This drives me crazy, too. The only way I keep up with other blogs is through email. I finally found the perfect solution. Just go to and plug in the URL for the blog you want to subscribe to. They will email you daily with all the new posts for any blog absolutely free. I’ve used this for several blogs, and it works great.

  • fancygrlnancy

    THank you!~ Thank you! I have been trying to set up email subscriptions, but the ways people had told me never worked!! So funny when I read your email that said set up email subscriptions. Yes,you! I know that you were talking about me! You stopped by the other day and asked about email subscription.. now I have it and would love for you to subscribe!! Thanks so much for the help.

  • Elaine Lund

    I agree with you- I like to sign up via email with the blogs I follow.

  • Bonnie Parks

    When I come across a blog that does not email, I just add it to my favorites bar

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