Ivan The Pound DogThe Family’s Best Friend Pet hop starts this Friday, and will include a neat book called Ivan! A pound dog’s view on life, love and leashes. The book is told from the first person (first dog?) perspective of ivan himself, and includes Ivan’s life story as well as thoughts on life, philosophy and more. Ivan is a one eyed, three legged mutt with other deformities who is happy and content with his life because he has meaningful relationships with those around him. Many of us have realized that we can learn a lot from our pets, even though they can’t share dialog with us. Ivan! A pound dog’s view on life, love and leashes is unique in that it gives a voice to a pet. The book has a five star rating on amazon and a portion of proceeds for the book go to help fund the humane and rescue societies. Come back here on October 7th-13th for your chance to win this book!


Disclaimer – I was not compensated for this post.

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