The LED Light Therapy review is now a Giveaway for a 32 LED light, just like the one in my review. This giveaway is open to US residents and will end on 03/15/12.

Javascript must be enabled to enter this giveaway. Learn how to activate Javascript by clicking here.

This post currently has 11 responses.

  • librarypat

    It is still forbidding my access to Facebook.

    • emmy

      Sorry about that. It should be fixed now, if it continues to give you trouble please let me know. 🙂

      • librarypat

        Still no luck with facebook loading on this entry program.
        In addition, on this post only, I have gotten a message that the tweet has already been done in my name from another address. It has been this way sing the first day of the giveaway I think.

        • Thanks for letting me know, i’ll forward the info to the tech guy. Am I correct in remembering that you once told me you use a mac computer?

  • Wendy L. Conger

    Thanks for sharing this review regardless with “Led right therapy” I will ask this one to my husband so that we can decided to avail it…

  • beautytolove

    -Subscribed with Google Reader (RSS) through this Email: aliaskys (at) yahoo dot com

    -Google+ Name: Francine E.
    -Link to my Profile:

    Email: starseeds88 (at) yahoo dot com
    THANKS!! 🙂

  • Krystal R

    Hi Emily,
    I’ve been Tweeting daily because I’m super interested in this one 🙂
    but today when I came by to Log In and tweet, the Giveaway form was blank (no email or name filled in)
    I filled in an email and name, but I’m not sure it’s the one I’ve been using. It was always filled in before.
    Pretty sure that doesn’t matter as all I did was register a Tweet, but in case the emails show up different. I’m
    LuckyKrys AT Gmail and KrystalLRushing AT hotmail

    • emmy

      Glad you’re excited to enter this one :). As long as you are using the same twitter account, the widget won’t allow you to tweet twice within a day, even if you use different email addresses. So no big deal if you forget which one you used to log in. 🙂

      • Krystal R

        Thanks for the reply! Yep, same Twitter acct. and I am about to tweet this one again! 🙂
        Have a super day!

  • Barbara Hunt

    Thanks for the great contest!

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