Welcome to the red, white and blue giveaway hop! This hop starts July 1st and will run through the 14th so you have 14 whole days to make your way down the list. All participating bloggers will have prizes or groups of prizes that they are giving away that are valued at $25 or more. While not all items are related to independence day or even america, all items will be either red, white or blue in color. I haven’t checked out the list yet, but giveaway hops always have great prizes so be sure to check them out after you’ve entered mine.

Over The Moon Children's Book

My giveaway includes 3 prizes. The first is the color BLUE and is from Broadway Lullaby. The book is called Over The Moon and includes a 17 song cd as well. As someone with a backgrund in early childhood development – I love the combination of a book and music. Purchases made of broadway lullaby items go to help fund breast cancer research, so you can feel great about spending money on your little one (or a friend or family members little one). The set is valued at $17.00.

The second item is WHITE and is two bags of cookies from the Sara Snacker Cookie Company. The company has a very sweet story – the owner started baking really young, with an easy bake oven. While in college she made cookies and sold them right out of her dorm room and then at small local businesses as well. Now the cookies are available online in a handful of different varieities. For our giveaway the winner will get one bag of Lemonade cookies and one bag of Vanilla Milkshake Cookies. The aproximate retail value is $9.98

Our last item is also WHITE and is a St Barts Ruffle Bag from April Marin. I love how ruffles have gotten so popular lately and I think this bag is so cute. It’s nice and roomy, making it suitable for a purse (if you’re like me and carry everything with you), a tote, gym bag, etc. It’s valued at $56

All together that is $82.98 worth of prizes!

To enter: Fill out the giveaway tools form below. Then use the linky list underneath the widget to hop around to the other blogs having giveaways for this event.

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This post currently has one response.

  • desiree

    the pursewould go to neice who going to college and bein sway form home and then he other goodie for me of couse

    the fb will not let me accept no one till they sent me freind

Tempur777 Tempur777