If you have a little one that is anything like mine then they LOVE fire trucks! I don’t know what it is that fascinates Little C so much, but he can hear a siren before anyone else can. We do not have any firemen in our family, but Little C just loves everything about them. He loves the truck, he loves the uniform and he definitely loves all of the equipment. When it comes to talking to firemen, now that is a different story, lol! He is still quite shy, but it doesn’t stop him from investigating their truck.
Marshall Publishing sent me Lots & Lots of Fire Trucks for review. They sent me Lots & Lots of Fire Trucks Volume 1 and 2, Lots & Lots of Fire Trucks Songs and Safety Tips, the Lots & Lots of Fire Trucks and Firefighters book and a Lots & Lots of Fire Trucks Bonus CD. I have not let Little C see any of this as it will be a Christmas gift, but I have reviewed all of the dvd’s and the book. I have no doubt that these new movies will become a favorite around our house.
All of the dvd’s are AWESOME! They are very informative and show real fire trucks and fires. It explains several different types of fire trucks and it also explains how very important firefighters are. The movies had so much information that even I didn’t know, which is great! I believe you could watch these movies several times, which I’m sure we will, and learn something new every single time. Little C absorbs so much information and it is nice to know that he is taking in good information opposed to just watching mindless tv.
As for the Lots & Lots of Fire Trucks and Firefighters book, it is equally amazing. Little C absolutely loves books and this one will be one that he can sit down and look at by himself if need be. There are so many bright
and realistic pictures that he will be in awe. There is also a lot of information in this book that I will have no problem sitting down and reading to him. He may not be interested in every single topic at the young age of 4, but this will be a book that he will have for many years.
I also love the Bonus CD. With titles such as Call 911 and Heroes Braves & Tall you and your little one will be learning all about fire trucks and our heroes while driving down the road. You do have to keep in mind that you are listening to a CD about fire trucks though. You will hear sirens throughout most of the CD. I caught myself looking for and emergency vehicle a few times while in the car.
If you have a little one at home that loves firetrucks make sure you enter to win the same set of dvd’s and book that I received. They will make a GREAT Christmas gift this year! However, if your little one is into something different, Marshall Publishing has several different series including Lots & Lots of Trains, Lots & Lots of Playful Penguins, Lots & Lots of Jets and Planes and Lots & Lots of Monster Trucks all with very reasonable prices!
Marshall Publishing is offering Emily Reviews readers a FREE SHIPPING COUPON CODE if you order from the Marshall Publishing website. The code for free shipping will be BLG23. The free shipping code will apply to First Class Shipping no matter how big your order is!
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Win It: Lots & Lots of Fire Trucks Volume 1 and 2, Lots & Lots of Fire Trucks Songs and Safety Tips, the Lots & Lots of Fire Trucks and Firefighters book and a Lots & Lots of Fire Trucks Bonus CD!
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