Tempur777 Tempur777 Tempur777 Rodo's Lip Balm Review | Emily Reviews

Rodo’s Balm is a new company that was started by 18 year old Patrick Rodo.  He graduated in 2012 from Ronald Reagan High School.  Patrick decided to pursue making a lip balm that was natural and affordable.  As he researched natural lip balms he realized that most of them would cost about $3.70 at best so Patrick strove to produce a lip balm as cost effectively as he could and thus was born Rodo’s Balm.

As of right now you can find four different flavors/scents to choose from.  Patrick was nice enough to send me all four of them.  They are Bubblegum, Tropical Coconut, Vanilla Coffee and Unscented Matte.  I have tried all of the lip balms and really like them.  They go on smooth and make my lips feel great!  I have to say that my absolute favorite scent is Vanilla Coffee, but they all smell great.  The Unscented Matte is indeed unscented.  There are some products out there that say they are unscented, but still have some kind of scent to them.  I love the fact that these lip balms are all natural.  I can even use them on Little C and not have to worry about what is in them!  That is very reassuring to me.

The lip balms main ingredients are beeswax, almond oil, coconut oil, jojoba oil and vitamin E.  The beeswax that is used is from a family owned facility and only all natural white beeswax refined without using any chemical bleaching aids are used.  The  almond oil is cold pressed from the dried kernels of the almond tree.  Almond oil is known to be rich in vitamin A, E and B.  The coconut oil that is used in Rodo’s Balm comes from a company who builds schools, wells and shelter for less fortunate countries with the profits that they make.  The pure white, organic, extra virgin , unrefined, cold pressed coconut oil is produced without using harsh chemicals, solvents or bleach.  The jojoba oil is 100% pure, natural, first-pressed, unrefined jojoba oil.  It is a liquid wax that is the closest “oil” to human oil.  Last but not least, Patrick uses vitamin E because it is an antioxidant and when used on the skin it is helpful in protecting skin cells from the damaging free radicals that can be the result of pollution, drugs and UV light.

Not only is Rodo’s Balm an excellent choice in natural lip balms, but it comes in a clear container.  The container is like any other lip balm you would buy except it is clear making it easy to see when you are about to run out.  I absolutely love that feature!  You can purchase Rodo’s Balm for $3.50.  Make sure that you also check him out on Facebook because you won’t want to miss out on what is coming next!




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