Things are going pretty good here at my dad’s. He hasn’t had any seizures or side effects so far. Not sure how long we will end up staying here…probably through Monday or so as long as everything continues to go alright.

Tomorrow (okay so in 7.5 hours, technically) we are going yard saleing, they are having a local event with lots of yard sales. I’m so excited. I hope to find a good sale that has men’s clothes in Ryan’s sizes – he needs clothes pretty bad and they are so hard to find at goodwill and thrift shops, I think because men never give up clothes, they just wear them until they fall apart. haha.

I just finished my first kettleworx exercise (upcoming review, btw!), and I’m SO tired! I am really impressed. I finished the workout took a shower and got dressed, then checked my email real fast and then got on here…so it’s probably been 40 minutes since I finished or so, and my legs are still shaking!

Last weekend we had my sisters baby shower, so we are celebrating Father’s day with my dad tomorrow instead. Plus having my birthday party. So my whole family should be out here to my dads/brothers and it should be fun.

I also wanted to mention that for those of you who subscribe to me in a reader or by email, etc. You should come to my real website and check out my layout. It changed about a week ago and it’s designed by my boyfriend, and I love it! I think he could be a graphic designer.

I’m interested in your thoughts about my layout in general, but particularly about the comment system. My ‘favorite’ set up for blogs, when I’m ENTERING giveaways is to have all the comments shown, like 200 per page (so that I can do ctrl+f and search for my name to see if I have already entered the giveaway or not – I forget and don’t ever intentionally enter a giveaway twice so that’s my way of checking so I prefer as many comments as possible on the main page). However, I prefer the comment box to pop out, so that I don’t have to scroll down to the bottom of the page for each entry, especially when I have to keep going up to the blog post to check each time which extra entries are offered.

Do most of you agree with this, or do you prefer less comments to be visible? Let me know 🙂

This post currently has 4 responses.

  • oo.. a day of yard saling sounds like fun. I haven’t done that in awhile. good luck to finding some good deals.

  • Heather!

    I like your new look! I do usually prefer a pop-out comment box, too, but when there isn’t one I tend to open the same page in another window and just go between the two of them.
    But you have just solved a problem of mine! I can’t believe I never knew how to search for my name in the comments! Sheesh…to think of how much time I’ve spent searching through sometimes hundreds of names because I just can’t remember for sure if I’ve entered something or not…ugh. THANK YOU SO MUCH for what will be a HUGE help! 🙂

  • Darcie K

    I love the new layout and I also love it when the comments pop-out. It makes things so much easier!

  • Wow, your new layout looks fab! I love red and black together! Your bf did an awesome job! Also, the ctrl f thing is sweet! I never knew about that! Also, my preference is comment boxes that pop out too. As far as how many comments are displayed, I don’t really have a preference on that.
    Also, it’s good to hear your dad is doing well, that would be great if he could continue with less pills. My aunt has epilepsy so I know what a bummer it can be.
    *crossing my fingers for your dad*

Tempur777 Tempur777