As I mentioned in a previous blog post, I got the chance to work with csn stores on a review. After a few days of debating I finally chose two items. A bathroom scale and a new kitty litter box. Random I know.

I’ve tried several bathroom scales in the past and my experience has been that digital bathroom scales tend to change your weight every time you step on them. You know, you step on and it gives you one reading, you step off and right back on and you ‘lost’ .8 of a pound? Or perhaps gained it, instead. I’ve always hated that and have always thought that scales should be able to be more accurate than that. I’ve found that the traditional bathroom scales tend to at least keep you at the same weight if you step off and back on, so if they are ‘off’ by a bit, at least they are consistent. So I knew I wanted a traditional bathroom scale and decided on the Trimmer silver frame mechanical bathroom scale. To be honest this is just your average bathroom scale but that is great because it was exactly what I wanted. I love how I can ‘zero’ it instead of having to rely on a machine to zero it and not knowing if it’s truly being done. I have found that although this scale seems to read quite a bit (8 lbs) higher than my wii fit balance board places me, Ryan and our roommate, at least it gives similar results each time. Also, our balance board could be reading ‘low’ too so it’s not necessarily 8 lbs off of our true weight just 8 lbs off from the wii fit. At under $20, this scale is a lot cheaper than most scales due to it being more basic but it’s perfect for us and I love it. If you’re looking for just a basic, affordable bathroom scale this is a great choice.

I also chose to review a litter box. While the bathroom scale I chose was very traditional, the litter box is just about the opposite. My roommate has a cat who has a vary odd personality. She does some things that just leave us scratching our head. One of her odd personalities is she digs completely to the bottom of the litter box, so that she can see the plastic before deciding to use the box. This means she kicks up a lot of litter and with our old litter box that was only a couple of inches high, the liter would go everywhere. We had a rubber mat that we placed around the box to keep the majority of the litter off of the floor but we didn’t like having to deal with the mat, and sometimes it would get kicked farther than the mat would cover. So we tried a traditional litter box with cover, and then as fate would have it our silly cat decided not to ‘like’ the box. Perhaps she wasn’t aware that it was still a litter box? I don’t know. She wouldnt’ use it though. So we went back to the short litter box and were dealing with the liter everywhere but of course were hoping to find a solution. So this box has been a really perfect fit for us. The sides and back of the box are 9 inches tall which is great because any litter that gets kicked ismply hits the wall and falls back inside. The front of the box dips down so that cats don’t have to ‘jump’ over the side they can simply step in. The box is nice and big too.

Another benefit to this box is it has an ‘oversized’ rim. Meaning it is really easy to carry because the rim is large enough to fit your fingers underneath it so it can be carried from the sides without having to place your fingers on the inside rim of the box. Overall we are really pleased with the new litter box.

Buy it: Both of these items can be found at for around 20.00 a piece and both have free shipping. Both are great deals!

Disclaimer – I was sent a litter box and bathroom scale for the purposes of this review. No other form of compensation was offered or accepted. All opinions are my own.

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Tempur777 Tempur777