Kettleworx ultra 5

*There is an affiliate link in this post. I was sent the Kettleworx system for review.

Have you heard of the workout program called Kettleworx? I had seen it on tv before, and I really hate infomercials. Honestly, when I see an infomercial I assume whatever is being advertised is junk. Especially when it comes to exercise programs and workouts. So when I saw that kettleworx had sponsored some reviews on other blogs, I was really surprised. I feel that companies who are willing to offer a product for review, they must really believe in their product, because they assume that the reviewer will like the product. If they knew their workout program didn’t work, why would they ask for honest reviews? So it caught my attention and I decided I wanted to try it.

If you are unfamiliar with it, it’s a 20 minute a day, 3 days a week program that uses kettlebell weights instead of fitness equipment, to allow you to get stronger, leaner and healthier. Sounds a bit to good to be true, I know.

I have to flat out admit that I have done a pretty horrible job of actually doing the workouts. I can’t seem to catch a break in life lately, one thing has came up after another and I’ve skipped the workouts one too many times. Then after I was a couple of weeks in, my boyfriend gained an interest and wanted to start the program, so I started over with week 1, workout 1 with him. All of that is totally my fault. Plus, until last week I didn’t have a bathroom scale so I don’t really know if I’ve lost weight.

However, I can tell you that this is definitely giving me a workout each time I do it. I’m young and at a relatively healthy weight judging by my BMI and such, but I have little bits of me that I’d like to firm up or change slightly. I didn’t do any form of exercise prior to this program, but I am young and relatively thin so I didn’t expect this to be that hard. However, I barely made it through the first workout. Crazy, right? I’m only using a 5 lb weight but it gets heavy after 20 minutes! I’ve found that I really like the ‘core’ workouts and really DON’T like the cardio workouts. I do feel like each workout really does work me hard and sometimes I am sore for up to 3 days after a workout. So I have no doubt that they are working.

There are a few downfalls to this system. First, this is advertised as a 20 minute program, and although the ‘main’ part of the workout is 20 minutes, there’s a warm up and cool down, so each workout from warm up to cool down is approximately 30 minutes. Also, seems how there are 3 workouts a week for 6 weeks, I expected 18 totally unique workouts. However, each warm up is the same, each cool down is the same, and each workout that includes the same move (like punches, for example), has the same exact video clip for each time you do the punches. So they kind of ‘copy and paste’ the workouts into different orders instead of making totally unique workouts. I would have preferred them to not be ‘cut and paste’ but it’s not a big deal to me either really. I just find that I’m more patient and concentrated when I’m not sure what he’s going to say or exactly what he’s going to do.

The other small letdown was I don’t have a dvd player, so I’ve been using these in my wii. However, for some reason the chapters are in the wrong order, so when I pop in the cardio dvd, and want workout 1, I can’t just hit ‘play dvd’ because it starts on week 5 cardio. So I have to start each ‘chapter’ and wait until he announces which workout/week he is on, and then stop it, and go back to the menu, and try the next chapter until I find the right one. I would assume that it’d be in the right order on a regular dvd player though.

Overall though I really like this program and plan to use it for a long time to come. I know that the workouts are working I just need to do them 3 times a week so that I can actually start seeing the changes.

Buy it: You can purchase the kettleworx system on Amazon.

Disclaimer – I received the kettleworx ultra 5 package for review. There is an affiliate link in this post. No other form of compensation was offered or accepted. All opinions are my own.

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    Tempur777 Tempur777