Downy UnstopablesEveryone wants their laundry to smell clean – but I personally prefer to have my laundry smell not just clean, but great! I always take in a deep breath when I pull my laundry out of the dryer. I love that smell. Is that weird? But I hate how I can pull out a shirt from the dryer that smells great, and fold it and leave it in my dresser for two or three days, and then when I pull it out to put it on, it barely holds the fragrance at all. That’s why I’ve fallen in love with Downy Unstopables. If you haven’t heard of it yet, Downy unstopables is a new product that you simply add in with your clothes and laundry detergent before you start the washer. They give an added fragrance boost to your entire load of laundry, and the fragrance remains on your laundry even if the items remain in your dresser for a few days before the item gets worn again. Some people prefer to have a less noticeable fragrance on their everyday clothing, but I think everyone can get on board with unstopables for their sheets and blankets. Who doesn’t love crawling into fresh smelling sheets? With unstopables it’s not just that first day that smells great, it’s the first few days.

Disclaimer – I received a container of downy unstopables from vocalpoint to facilitate this review.  No other form of compensation was offered or accepted. All opinions are my own.

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Tempur777 Tempur777