The Toledo botanical garden is a public garden that is free to the general public. I had never been to a botanical garden before, and I hadn’t heard of anything similar from my area. The Toledo botanical garden is a unique and relaxing experience. There is a huge variety of plants and flowers to look at on their 60+ acres of gardens. Although I’m not a gardener or very knowledgeable about plants and flowers, it was fun to see so many different types of plants that I had never seen before. I can only imagine how special the Toledo botanical gardens would be to a gardener. In addition to the pretty plants and flowers, there is also a small bridge, pond and and gazebo. When I first saw the bridge and gazebo, my first thought was that it looks like the perfect set up for a wedding.

Turns out, it is a popular site chosen by many couples for their wedding ceremony. It’s a gorgeous place, I can definitely see why it’s a common choice. It would also be a great place to go for a unique date that is calm and quiet so you can do a lot of talking. The botanical garden also has an outreach program called Grows, where they support over 65 community gardens in the city of toledo and surrounding areas.

Disclaimer – We were provided with access and a tour at the botanical gardens free of charge. No other form of compensation was offered or accepted. All opinions are my own.

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Tempur777 Tempur777