I just finished watching a movie called The Greater Good. The film is a documentary about vaccines that tries to take a look at the issue of vaccine safety. Vaccines are an issue that I’ve been back and forth about for a long time, and while I don’t want to have kids for another few years at least, it’s definitely an issue that I want to make up my mind on before having children of my own. Due to that, I enjoy spending time looking at both sides of the issue and trying to determine what is scientific facts and what is not. This has proved to be very difficult, so I was happy to take on the greater good movie to see what it had to offer. The movie follows a few families who have been negatively affected by vaccines, and interviews parents, doctors and pharmaceutical spokespeople in an attempt to find out the truth.  I knew prior to watching the movie that it wouldn’t sway me either way, i’m very conflicted on the issue and will require tons of research before I make up my mind. However, I certainly learned a lot by watching the film. For example, whether or not vaccines can cause autism is of course a very controversial issue, but it’s known that in rare cases brain swelling can be a reaction to vaccines, which can cause death. Yet, individuals whose children experience brain swelling and even death, aren’t able to sue the manufacturer of the vaccine. Overall, I think it’s a nice film to check out if you are unsure of where you stand on vaccines and are looking to educate yourself on them. Definitely worth a watch. Starting the week of October 30th you can check out the greater good website (Greatergoodmovie.org) to stream the movie for free or to purchase the dvd.

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