Emily Reviews Holiday Gift Guide

I LOVE classic toys! I am a little tired of the trendy toys that require you to make a large investment in batteries, purchase special accessories, or immediately break after you struggle to get them from the clam shell.

This Christmas, I really wanted to find a special doll for the girls; one that they would treasure and would last them for years to come. I found the Cute Kids Crochet Etsy page and fell in love!



Dani’s Cute Kids Crochets was exactly what I was looking for. She makes “fun plush crochet animals and toys for children. She can make them with or without rattles. She enjoys making dolls and amigurumi animals.”



Dani was happy to help me design and custom make a doll for each girl.I told her that I needed little girl dolls in purple (Savannah) and pink (Cheyenne).  I wanted them to be feminine and yet conservative. She read my mind. I could not have asked for more, these dolls are beautiful and very well made. The ruffle around the bottom of their dresses matches their hair tie. Dani is a Mom; she took extra time to make sure that the eye buttons were secure on their little faces and chose cotton yarns because they hold well overtime. You can tell that Dani puts her heart and soul into each of per precious creations.




I have had these dolls since last summer. It has got to be the longest secret I have ever kept! I cannot wait to see the look on the girls faces, Christmas morning when they see their little dolls! It really brings tears to my eyes; it will be one of those special (video camera) moments!

Cute Kids Crochet dolls are sure to please your little ones this Christmas!

Dani is generously offering a 15% off discount, use code emilyreviews.

You can see all of Dani’s work on her Etsy page or Facebook.

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