Tempur777 Tempur777 Tempur777 Playing With Fire Kindle Fire #Giveaway (1/31) | Emily Reviews

I’ve teamed up with a bunch of bloggers to bring you a giveaway for a kindle fire! If you aren’t familiar with the kindle fire, it’s a wifi enabled tablet that not only works great as an ereader but allows you to access tons of apps and the web. The kindle fire retails for $199 so whoever wins this giveaway will be getting an awesome prize, that’s for sure. We’re also going to have a runner up winner who will get a 20.00 paypal gift card. I think we could all use an extra 20.00 bill in our pocket, right?

To enter, simply fill out the form below before february 1st. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer – I was not compensated for this post.


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