Wonder Forge is a small company of like-minded creative individuals who had a passion for family games and all the fun that a family can share when they “play” together. Wonder Forge was created in 2007 and over this short amount of time, has created 50 games for all ages….from pre-school to adult…and has a nationwide following. Wonder Forge has won many product excellence awards and I know first-hand why they have.

Dr. Seuss What’s in the Cat’s Hat game: What fun! My Nephew and I had a great time guessing what was in the hat. Gage (5 years old) found an item to hide in the hat and he was the Hat Master. I was the Guesser. We shared a lot of laughs while I used my elbows, nose, feet and hands (as well as interviewing skills) to figure out what Gage had hidden in the hat that was on his head. Gage could hardly contain himself as my guesses were further and further from hitting the mark. He kept asking, “Aunt Laurie, can I just tell you what it is?”








What’s in the Cat’s Hat game is geared toward kids 3 years and older and for at least two players. I’m sure some 3-year olds would be able to play this but, I really think it would be more fun if the child could read the cards on his/her own. It was fun with the two of us playing and I think it would have even been more fun with at least one more person. With at least three players, the two Guessers would have been able to feed off one another’s creativity.








Discovery Garden game: OK, I had a lot more fun with this game but, Gage said he didn’t like it as much as Cat in the Hat because he got to wear a hat in that game! The idea behind Discovery Garden is to find various hidden items in the “soil”. The players (in our case there were two players) took turns flipping over cards with hidden objects and then spinning a dial to see where we could look for those hidden items. Gage really enjoyed mix the soil (shaking the box). I asked him what he liked most about this game, he said “WINNING”!





Discovery Garden game is geared toward children 3 years and older. I think that is a very accurate age for this game. There is no reading involved as the cards have a written description of the hidden object as well as a picture. So if the player isn’t able to read “RED BUTTERFLY”, he/she can look at the picture on the card. This game is great for teaching the child to remember where the hidden objects are until it’s his/her turn and also teaches that when the soil gets mixed, it’s a new game because all of the hidden objects are now in different spots around the garden.





You can find all of the Award Winning Wonder Forge products on their website, Facebook, and Twitter pages.


This post currently has one response.

  • librarypat

    What wonderful games. It never hurts to have them learn something and develop memory and deductive skills while having fun.

Tempur777 Tempur777