Have you ever wanted to send a card to a family member or friend but, just couldn’t find the right one. SendaFlyingCard.com offers flying cards that are personalized full-sized plastic disc. Flying cards are mailed just like a greeting card but, they are better because it’s the card and gift in one.

SendaFlyingCard.com got started one day when owner Shawn was shopping and saw a blank flying disc. Shawn quickly thought about mailing the disc. He went to his local Post Office and asked them if it was possible to mail the disc without any additional packaging. The Postal Carrier didn’t see a reason why they couldn’t. Shawn did a test run to see if the disc would arrive safe and sound and it did.

After testing several discs, SendAFlyingCard.com finally found their winning type and style. It is about 9.25 inches in size and made of FDA food grade polypropylene plastic. They designed a removable label so upon receiving a flying card you can remove the label and play with your disc. Flying cards are also completely customizable; you can pick the color of disc and add a picture or business logo.

For my review, I got to send a flying card to my best friend and her family. About 18 months ago, my best friend’s Husband was in a critical car accident. As you can imagine, in the last 18 months, they have had some very rough times. I thought a flying card was just what they needed to bring some smiles to their faces. It worked; the kids were shocked to see a flying disc in the mail! They said that it was “way better than a normal card because cards you just throw in the garbage, this you can play with over and over again.” I think SendaFlyingCard.com is a fun and unique idea.

To order a flying card you can click here or visit their website, Facebook, and twitter. While on their website, you can also sign-up for their newsletter, to keep current on all the happenings at SendaFlyingCard.com.


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