Do you know that the US puts 20 million plastic bags into our landfills every day?! Stop and think about that for one second…20 million plastic bags every single day of the year or approximately 7.3 billion bags a year. That’s absurd! SnackTAXI is here to save the day! Created in 2003 to reduce the use of plastic bags, SnackTAXIs are easy to use and reuse bags. They come in several patterns and a few different sizes.

What are SnackTAXIs made of that makes them so durable? SnackTAXIs are made with 100%cotton exterior and a polyurethane coated nylon interior. They are free of lead, phthalate and BPA.

SnackTAXIs are easy to care for too. They can be hand or machine washed (unscented detergent suggested) and line dried. It is best to empty your SnackTAXI after each use; that way food oils are not absorbed.

For our review, we received the SnackTAXI candy stripe Sandwich Sack. The sandwich sacks were designed to fit a sandwich, bagel, wrap, or larger snack. They dimensions are 7.5”W x 6” H. The girls are having lots of fun and taking great responsibility in switching our family from plastic bags over to reusable bags. At their ages (5 and almost 3) they have pretty small lunches. They like packing their entire lunch into the SnackTAXI bags and having picnics with them. Much to my amazement, I have seen them get ½ of a sandwich, a box of raisins, and some fruit and veggie sticks into their bags.

Switching to reusable bags may cost you more money upfront but, it really is one small way you can help clean up our environment and in the long run, you will save money!



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    Tempur777 Tempur777