I enjoy cooking and strive to have a home cooked meal available every night for my family.  Dinner time is very important to me, as I grew up having dinner with my family around a dining room table sharing stories about my day and listening to sibling’s stories.  I have some great memories of those times and cherish them deeply.  It is my hopes to provide that same environment for my own family, which consists of my husband, my 3 year old and myself.  Although we are a small family and Little C is only 3, we still sit around the table and ask how his day was at preschool.  Little C opens up more at the dinner table then at any other time of the day.  I can ask him what he did at school as soon as he gets in the car and he will tell me that he doesn’t know, but put some good food in front of him and he will tell you anything you want to know.  I hope that he remembers these times and comes to cherish them as much as I do.

When times get hectic and we have had a busy day or we are running late it is still nice to eat around the table.  Sometimes we will run out and grab some fast food, which I know is not the healthiest choice, but it is the only answer for that evenings dinner.  When I was asked to review an item from Michael Angelo’s Gourmet Foods I jumped at the chance.  It is hard for me to get frozen dinners that Little C likes.  He can be quite picky, but luckily I was able to go and pick out the items I wanted.  I was pleased to see that there are a good amount of dinners to choose from including; Meat Lasagna, Vegetable Lasagna, Chicken Alfredo and Stuffed Tilapia just to name a few.  Both my husband and son love lasagna, so the Meat Lasagna was an easy choice.  We got a 32 oz package and 2 11 oz packages.  I have had frozen lasagna before from other brands and to be honest, I have never been very impressed.  I didn’t really know what to expect as I have never tried any products from Michael Angelo’s before.  I was extremely surprised!  The lasagna tasted as close to home made as it possibly could have.  I have to say, I was shocked, but very pleased.  The cook time was very quick, 40 minutes in my oven and they came out perfect.  I was so impressed that I have since bought more and had my family come over to eat.  They had no idea that I had not made the lasagna!  It was fantastic!

You can find Michael Angelo’s Gourmet Foods on facebook and twitter.  They have an easy store finder on their site so that you can locate their products at your nearest grocery store.





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