I made the mistake of getting a drastic haircut back in mid December, and I’ve regretted it ever since. The hair cut was bad, and after a couple months of growth my hair in back was a couple of inches longer than the hair in the front, which made it look even worse. I recently cut the back of my hair to match the length in the front, so that it looked better, but that means it’ll take even longer for my hair to grow out. I’ve read that on average hair grows 1/2 an inch every 2 months. That’s only 6 inches a year, and I want my hair to be at least 12 inches longer so I’m looking at 2 years of growing before it’ll be as long as I want. Serious bummer. Keratin is a protein that is found in our hair and nails. The keratin booster from Reserveage Organics aids the body in absorbing the keratin that is naturally found in our bodies, which is beneficial for repairing the health of our hair and nails. I’ve been taking this for about a month now and to be honest I haven’t noticed any change in my hair or nails. However, I think that there would have to be a pretty drastic change in the health of my hair for it to be observable even to me. My nails are naturally strong and grow really quickly, so they didn’t really need any help to start with, so perhaps that is why I haven’t observed any changes in my nails. So, I don’t mean to say that it didn’t work for me, I just am not really sure if it has or not. I certainly don’t want to wait around for two years on my hair to grow though, so I’ll continue taking the keratin booster.

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Tempur777 Tempur777