Aspercreme, made by Chattem, is a topical gel with a light scent and has a no mess sponge applicator.  With spring here and gardens and flowers being planted Aspercreme is the perfect product.  Aspercreme can help relieve ailments of arthritis, muscle strains, sprains and cramps.  When using Aspercreme Heat Gel make sure that you don’t apply it to open wounds and that you don’t use a heating pad when using the gel.

I am not a big gardener myself as I live in an apartment, however, my husband would be outside everyday if we had a yard.  I do however, type A LOT and get pains in my wrist and thumb.  Luckily it is not carpel tunnel syndrome as of yet.  The Aspercreme Heat Gel that I received has helped tremendously with the pain.  I apply it as soon as I get a cramp and it helps me get through the day.  I stay on the computer most of the day, 5-6 days out of the week.  Typically I have to use the Aspercreme about 2 times a day, but not every day.

I really like the sponge applicator.  I can use the gel and not have to get my other hand messy, which means I can just keep the gel right at my desk or couch.  I love the convenience.  I also really like the heat factor of the gel.  It is cool as I apply it, but I can feel the heat soaking into my hand and just love that feeling.  I think that it helps with the pain quicker.  I don’t mind the scent, however my husband doesn’t like it all.  All in all I really believe that the Aspercreme Heat Gel that I received has done a great job in relieving my aches and pains.

Aspercreme is giving one of our lucky readers 3 of their products.  The products they are giving away are Aspercreme Creme, Aspercreme Lotion and Aspercreme Heat Gel.


This post currently has one response.

  • Anthony Zuccarini

    Works great on muscle aches and sore joints. The only problem, after 3 days, the applicator fell off.

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