Jillian Michaels is well known for her role on one of today’s popular television series…The Biggest Looser.   That’s not all she does though.  Jillian has her own line of weight loss products and support groups.

Jillian has 17 years of experience in the health and wellness industry, as well as experience in martial arts and being a personal trainer.  She brought that experience and knowledge with her when she developed her own line of fitness and weight loss products.  These products include not only DVDs, but also an online support system and valuable nutritional guidelines and helpful hints.

For our review, we received the Jillian Michaels Body Revolution DVD set that contained 15 DVDs, a resistance cable, a journal, and several informational booklets.  The recommendation is that you work out 6 days a week.   These workouts target different areas of the body and muscle groups as well as your “core”.

 (Sorry, I don’t know why this photo turned out so dark.)

Wow, what a workout!    After 1-1/2 minutes, I had already started “glowing” with perspiration!   The series starts out with an “easy” 30 minute workout for the first two weeks.   This is intended to work different parts of the body to get them ready for the next stage which is more intense.

Throughout the first exercises, Jillian is constantly reminding us that the exercises will get more strenuous throughout the DVD series.  Since we are just beginning the process, I can’t comment about the intensity of future workouts but I have a feeling I need to heed Jillian’s warning and be serious about every exercise in these early programs.

Not only does Jillian provide you with valuable exercises, but you also get a journal full of helpful hints about which foods are good for you while you’re trying to loose weight and which ones would be better avoided.  I’m not talking about the obvious food items.  I was shocked to find out that Kale can possibly affect the way my thyroid works …and here I’d been juicing Kale on a daily basis.

I am excited to see the changes my body makes with the Jillian Michaels Body Revolution system. You can find Jillian Michaels Workout DVDs on Facebook.

Buy it: You can purchase Jillian Michaels Body Revolution on Amazon.




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