I know summer doesn’t technically start for a couple of more days, but in all reality we should wear sunscreen most everyday we are going to be outside for any length of time.  However, with the kids on summer break, the weather being incredibly warm and vacations we need to think about sun safety more then ever.  I am hardcore about having sunscreen on Little C when he is playing t-ball, swimming or even playing outside.  I need to work on caring about myself more then I do.  Banana Boat has made it even easier to get into the habit of using sunscreen.

I was sent 3 different types of their new Natural Reflect sunscreen lotions.  One was for adults, one was for kids and one was for baby.  All 3 lotions are SPF 50+, Paraben & PABA Free and are water resistant.  The baby and kid lotions are also tear free, which I love!  I actually got the chance to use all 3 lotions this past week.  My husband, son and I went to Disney World with some of my in-laws, so there were plenty of adults, two children ages 3 and 5 and a 6 month old baby.  My husband and most of his family grew up in Florida and tan naturally without burning so they don’t usually use much sunscreen.  I know, I know…they really should, but not much I said made a difference.  So with that being said, my sister-in-law and I are very fair skinned and burn super easy.  We lived in sunscreen to say the least.  We used the sunscreen mostly on our faces.  It definitely helped, but it was so hot outside that we both “glowed” a lot!  I will just be honest and say that I started sweating the minute we walked out the door.  It was lovely!  I was very impressed with the Natural Reflect sunscreen though.  My face did get a little red, but not burnt so I consider that a success.  As for the kids and baby, the lotions were wonderful.  We used both lotions on pretty much every inch of the 3 boys and none of them got any hint of a sunburn!

I also received a new Clear UltraMist Sport Performance Coolzone sunscreen from Banana Boat.  I loved this product as well.  Once we were in the park and had been there for several hours we would reapply sunscreen.  It was much easier just to get out the Coolzone and spray it on and go about our business.  It wasn’t specifically for adults or kids, but we used it on the 2 older boys and then my sister-in-law and I used it.  It was actually very refreshing to use.  It was nice and cool when we were all so hot and it was also nice not to have to rub it in.  The mist never got sticky and also worked very well.  No burning!  We did not use the spray on our faces as I wasn’t sure that would be such a good idea.

If you are in need of some sunscreen this summer I highly recommend you try either the Natural Reflect of the Sport Performance Coolzone by Banana Boat.  For further information you can follow them on Facebook and Twitter.





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