For as long as I can remember, I have been battling my weight. Like many people who have weight issues, I have tried lots of different products but didn’t see the results I wanted or at the rate I wanted so, I gave up on them. I decided to go about losing weight differently this time. This time, I want to simply eat the right foods and do my best to increase my activity levels each day. For my journey, I wanted an activity monitor that would help me see where I could make some improvements. I did my research and found a company that fits me, it’s called BodyMedia.

BodyMedia is an activity monitoring system that gives feedback on your daily activity levels, nutritional intake, calories burned, and sleep patterns. Through a special BodyMedia armband and an online Activity Manager, the client is able to track daily habits, making it easier to make changes for a healthier lifestyle. For my review, I received the BodyMedia LINK Armband + Activity Manager.


The BodyMedia Armband fits comfortably on my upper left arm (it must be worn on the left arm). From there, it is able to track everything I do during a 24 hour period- exercise, calories in/burned, and quality of sleep. With the Activity Manager, I am able to set goals and check in throughout the day to make sure I am on target.

One of my favorite BodyMedia features is the sleep monitor. I never wake up feeling rested. On top of my own sleep issue, I also have a 3 year old Daughter who STILL doesn’t sleep through the night on a regular basis. BodyMedia has shown me that I usually get between 5-8 hours of sleep and it’s at a70%-90% efficiency rate…this is actually better than what I would have guessed it to be.

BodyMedia has also taught me that my calorie intake isn’t quite as bad as I thought it was. I have done fairly well sticking to my calorie target.

So what’s the reason I am not losing weight? BodyMedia has helped me figure out that the answer to that question lies in my activity levels. I am a stay-at-home Mom with my two young Daughters. I also provide daycare for my Nephew and infant Niece during the week. I have little to no “me time”. When there is finally 10 minutes of peace and quiet, the last thing I want to do is exercise but, that’s exactly what I need to start doing. I need to carve out a period of time each day and make me and my exercising a priority. I know this is going to be easier said than done for a while but, eventually it will become a part of my regular schedule.


BodyMedia has given me the tools I need to make changes toward a healthy lifestyle.

BodyMedia is on facebook and twitter.

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    Tempur777 Tempur777