Chicken Soup for the Soul is a series of books that touch subjects that are near and dear to many of us.  Whether it be a book focused on Teens, Caregivers, Mothers, Grandparents or a variety of other topics, you can count on heart warming and tear generating stories catching and holding your attention.

Chicken Soup for the Soul books started in 1993 by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen, and are meant to be healthy for our soul just as chicken soup is credited with being healthy for our bodies.

Dr. Jeff Brown is one of the many writers who contribute to the Chicken Soup for the Soul book series.   Dr. Brown is Board-certified in Clinical Psychology and Cognitive/Behavior Psychology and is an instructor at Harvard Medical School (Dept of Psychiatry).

For my review, I received a book written by Dr. Brown and Liz Neporent entitled Chicken Soup for the Soul “Say Goodbye to Stress” (Manage Your Problems, Big and Small, Every Day).

This book contains many wonderful and inspirational stories written by individuals who struggle with the same day to day stressful situations that I and most every single one of us has in our lives.

I laughed when I read the story written by one Mom who said she always felt that it was necessary for her to provide home made or baked items for her children’s parties or family potlucks, etc.   One day, thru a series of events, she had an epiphany that her thinking was flawed and that it was more important to enjoy the time that she was spending with her children/family/friends than it was to stress over being the perfect baker.   After that, she gave herself permission to stop by the deli for the potato salad or a pie, etc.  Of course, she would then put the item in her own cookware so no one would know her little secret.  She found herself being so much less stressed just by this one little change in her belief system.

This is just one of the many stories that you will read in Chicken Soup for the Soul “Say Goodbye to Stress”.


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