With summer here and school out, it wont’ be long before kids start bugging their parents about being bored. Summer is a great time to spend reading and playing outside. Dinosaur train wants to encourage kids to get outside and play – and read too. They are participating in the Great American Backyard Campout Initiative which takes place june 23rd to remind parents that it is important to spend time outside. Did you know that kids today only spend half as much time outdoors as children did 20 years ago? Or that children who spend time playing outside have been found to be less aggressive, more creative in their play, have better concentration and are more physically active?

If you want to participate on the 23rd (or for fun outdoor activities that you can do with your kids any day this summer) you can check out the Great American Backyard Campout website for campfire recipes, campfire songs and games and nature activities.

To celebrate, we’re giving away two dinosaur train books. The first is called Dinosaur Campout which makes for a great read when you’re going on a camping trip with a child. Or if you have a camping trip coming up, it could be a nice tool for preparing the child for camping ahead of time as well.

The second book is Ride With Buddy. This book is aimed at children who are beginning to be able to read on their own, and throughout the book Buddy introduces the readers to his family and friends.

You can also download a free guide that includes fun activities and games to do during your campout. As you do each task simply mark them off, and when you’re done you can mail the guide in (instructions for mailing back the completed guide are included in the guide) and get sent a token as a reward.

Win it: Dinosaur Campout and Ride With Buddy books.

To enter: Fill out the giveaway tools form below before 11:59pm EST on 6/23. Open to the US and Canada.

Disclaimer – I was not compensated for this post in any way.

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