Vicks has a new product called the Starry Night Cool Mist Humidifier. The Starry Night Cool Mist Humidifier produces a cool moist vapor that helps relieve your child’s cold symptoms, soothing them into a restful night of sleep. The humidifier can be used with or without Vicks scented vapor pads to also help reduce symptoms.

The Starry Night Cool Mist Humidifier has another special feature.  It “magically” projects a color changing galaxy of stars onto your child’s bedroom walls and ceiling. As a parent, I know first-hand that when my kiddos aren’t feeling well it’s physical and emotional. Looking up at a display of stars can be very comforting no matter how old you are.

About a week after we received the Starry Night Cool Mist Humidifier for our review, my youngest came down with a cold. I felt badly that she was sick but, I was also excited to have the opportunity to use our new toy. I quickly (and easily) filled the tank and set the Starry Night Cool Mist Humidifier up in my Daughters’ room. I turned off the bedroom lights and turned on the projector, I heard two little girls gasp as they looked up into the stars. Both girls (the one with the cold and the healthy one) had a restful night’s sleep.

The projector is operated separately from the humidifier so you can choose which setting works best for your children.

Based on your setting, the Humidifier can operate for 18 to 24 hours on the 1.0 gallon tank.

My girls give the Starry Night Cool Mist Humidifier…5 stars!



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