Like most little girls, my Daughters LOVE stuffed animals and have a ton of them. I don’t usually give-in and let them get new stuffed animals (because I am the one tripping over them and constantly picking them up) but, I just couldn’t say “no” to Little Miss Muffin.


In all, there are ten Little Miss Muffin characters. They each have their own name, scent, style, and personality. Little Miss Muffin dolls easily pop and flip from their delicious muffin pose to a sweet little character. The muffin wrapper converts into Little Miss Muffins skirt and the muffin top becomes Little Miss Muffins hat…clever, right?!

For our review, Cheyenne received Little Miss Plum and Savannah received Little Miss Blueberry. Cheyenne (3.5 years old) said that her favorite part is “they are purple, soft, and smell good.” Savannah (almost 6 years old) said that the Little Miss Muffin dolls are “fun because we can change them.”

I personally couldn’t smell a flavor on either Little Miss Muffin doll and I have a pretty good “sniffer.” I suppose this could be a positive or negative, depending on your sensitivity to scents.

Each Little Miss Muffin doll came with a special recipe for you, your child, and Little Miss Muffin doll to make. We got recipes to make Plum Sunny Ice Tea and Red, White, and Blueberry Parfaits. I thought this was a really neat way to encourage children to help out in the kitchen and try some new flavors. My Daughters love cooking and baking so they immediately asked if we could make both recipes. I appreciate that they were healthy recipes and not recipes loaded with sugar.



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    Tempur777 Tempur777