Tempur777 Tempur777 Tempur777 HGG: Kicking Horse Coffee Review and #Giveaway US/Can 11/24 | Emily Reviews

‘Life is too short to start drinking the wrong cup of coffee’ says the slogan of Kicking Horse Coffee. The Kicking Horse Coffee team took this statement very seriously and have succeeded in becoming Canada’s #1 Organic Fair Trade coffee for over a decade now.

From their humble beginnings in 1996, Kicking Horse Coffee has grown tremendously: they now have a brick and mortar coffee shop in Invermere, B.C., Canada and in the last couple years, they added a huge new building to expand their production.

As I said before, all their coffees are 100% certified organic, fair trade, shade grown Arabica beans roasted in Canada. They create their own blends for a unique aroma and flavor. So far, they have 18 different coffees, some with intriguing names such as Cliff Hanger Espresso and Grizzly Claw.

Each coffee is described in a few words such as ‘Velvety, Earthy and Spirited’ for the Horse Power coffee. There is also a graphic to see in one look the roasting of the beans (light, medium, dark), the bean’s origin, and the taste which is divided into aroma, acidity, body, and flavor. This way, it’s very easy to find the coffee (or coffees) that best fits you!

Kicking Horse offers both ground coffee and whole beans. Ground coffee comes in a bag, whereas whole beans come in a can or in bulk. By the way, the cans are gorgeous! Black with a pop of color that identifies the coffee (each coffee has a different color logo) and a matching lid. They also sell organic tea and fair trade chocolate. Yum! You can also find the best equipment to brew you very own coffee at home (grinders, french presses, etc) as well as tumblers, mugs, and other accessories.

I received a can of Kicking Ass Coffee. It is described as sweet, smoky, and audacious. It is made of dark-roasted beans from Indonesia and Central America. As soon as we started grinding it, a strong and rich coffee smell filled the kitchen. We couldn’t wait to brew a couple cups! I don’t claim to be a coffee expert but I loved it! My parents and brother-in-law who are true coffee lovers also claimed it was one of the best coffees they ever had.

In my opinion, it has the perfect kick to get you going in the morning, especially in those cold winter mornings. Of course, it has the added bonus of being organic and fair trade which I love. Call me crazy but it makes me feel good to think that neither the environment nor the coffee growers were exploited in order for me to enjoy this delicious cup of coffee!

Head over the Kicking Horse Coffee to get your very own fair trade, organic coffee! Don’t forget to like them on Facebook and follow them on Twitter for all the latest news and promotions.

Kicking Horse Coffee is kindly offering one of our lucky readers a can of Kicking Ass Coffee (whole beans)! The giveaway is open to US and Canada and will end November 24th. For your chance to win, enter the Giveaway Tools below. Good luck!

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