Having accurate scales in SO important when you are trying to live a healthy life. I have two scales that I depend on a lot, a bathroom scale and a kitchen scale. I need these tools to help guide me on the choices I am making. I need to know how much my food weighs so I can make sure I am eating a proper portion. I need to know what my body weighs to help guide me in my exercise. For both of these scales, I have turned to and trust EatSmart.

My kitchen scale is the Precision Elite Kitchen Scale. You can read my review for it here. My bathroom scale is the NEW Precision Tracker Digital Bathroom Scale.


The Precision Tracker Digital Bathroom Scale helps users track their weight over a period of time. Each time you step on the scale, it shows you your current weight, the change from your last weigh-in and your total change from your starting weight. You can store data for up to eight people.


The Precision Tracker Digital Bathroom Scale has a slim modern design. A large LCD display shows your data in seconds of you stepping firmly on the scale.


I really appreciate that EatSmart designed the Precision Tracker Digital Bathroom Scale to automatically calibrate. When I switched from my last scale to this one, I noticed about a pound and a half difference in my weight readings. When you have a weight goal in mind, every ounce counts. I wish my incorrect reading would have been in my favor but it wasn’t. Now with the EatSmart Precision Tracker Digital Bathroom Scale, I know that won’t happen to me again.


I am very happy with both of my EatSmart scales.

EatSmart is on facebook and twitter.




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