Comments on: Thick Hair Problems & Solutions Fri, 25 Dec 2020 07:32:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: Emily Tue, 14 Apr 2015 15:49:53 +0000 In reply to Amy Tilson.

I love the scunci bands – I had debated about buying them for months before I finally did. To feel them in the store I was worried that they’d stretch out and lose their elasticity but mine haven’t at all yet. I’m a bit surprised that you still have problems with regular hair ties sliding even with the coarse hair – I figured that mine being straight was the main reason why they slip but maybe it really is just the weight. I feel tempted to go for the buzz cut sometimes too, haha. I had a kate gosselin style hairdo when I was about 15 and I really liked it at first but it took a couple of years before it was back down below my shoulders which is how long it needs to be before it loses the wavy/poofy look that I hate so much. So I always battle wanting to cut it so its easier to put up vs worrying that if I cut it it will be poofy. My boyfriend has silky straight hair that he doesn’t care for because he can’t get it to look textured even with product in it and it looks greasy less than 24 hours after a wash so he’s really just left with leaving his hair how it naturally falls after it’s cut but I hope that our kids will get perfect in-between hair as a result of our hair differences – lol.

By: Amy Tilson Tue, 14 Apr 2015 15:24:11 +0000 Those Scunci bands are the only ones that work for me. I love the clear and black, great for the gym! I find that my ion hair dryer really makes a difference. I have thick and coarse hair- best of both worlds. I’ve never found a real magic bullet that helps with everything. Wonder if I could pull off a buzz cut? 😉
