Comments on: Smoking vs Vaping: A Myth-Busting Guide to E-Cig ‘Health Risks’ + Giveaway (US) 6/30 Tue, 16 Nov 2021 04:09:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jake Berman Tue, 16 Nov 2021 04:09:20 +0000 To ensure health care coverage for everyone in the United States through a foundation of comprehensive and longitudinal primary care.

By: April Owen Sat, 22 Feb 2020 20:23:04 +0000 The secondhand smoke statistic is a real shoker

By: Jared Mathews Fri, 08 Nov 2019 03:29:54 +0000 420 Canna Shop is one of the largest and highest rated marijuana delivery services in Los Angeles California. Their customer service is second to none. After a quick age verifying procedures that you can do on their website, you can have some of California’s best marijuana on your doorstep in minutes. They are known for their wide variety of cannabis Indica strains for sale, but they also carry cannabis Sativa for sale and hybrid weed strains for sale. If you are into marijuana edibles they also have plenty of tasty treats to choose from.

By: John Jones Fri, 08 Nov 2019 03:29:05 +0000 I still can’t believe that in the 21st century, where the health of the people should take precedence, that organizations can be allowed to get away with this.

By: James Ed Fri, 08 Nov 2019 03:28:35 +0000 THC Vape Cart Shop is your #1 Dank Vape Shop in the USA. You can get all brands of vapes only at the THC Vape Cart Shop. Quick, reliable, efficient and trustworthy. Safe secure and guaranteed delivery

By: Blake Tue, 19 Jun 2018 21:04:51 +0000 E-cigarettes was the only thing that helped my wife stop smoking, after all of the lozanges and patches this has had an immense result for her.

By: Kaycee Sat, 01 Jul 2017 02:06:36 +0000 My husband was vaping and seemed to enjoy it, though it honestly didn’t help him quit.

By: Heather Breyer Fri, 30 Jun 2017 18:59:59 +0000 ARTIST COLLECTION PARAMOUR

By: ellen beck Sat, 17 Jun 2017 15:04:20 +0000 In reply to Emily.

OK go figure, I am on a different computer than I had been using and reinstalled firefox, it is taking it as far as I can tell on my end. This is the only one that has needed it. I dont see my initial comment though so will redo that for ya. It is just odd, but not terribly bad. There does seem to be connectivity problems. I appreciate all youre doing. It should show some entries 6/17 10:00am cst (or so)

By: ellen beck Sat, 17 Jun 2017 06:26:28 +0000 In reply to Emily.

Still a spinner Emily even with the other link using GT. I have no clue what is happening. I can leave a comment here and I did initially enter and after that it just wont go. All your others are coming in fine, I have tried clearing so who knows. I have also tried it at other times of the day figuring maybe GT is glitching which it sometimes does late night when perhaps they do maintenance . I am using Chrome, everything is up to date, and thats what I normally use. Oddly I can see it in IE, but can say paste in my comment.
Goodness knows. One day maybe it will work . I will keep trying. Thanks so much for checking up on this. You have some good ones happening right now- youre keeping me hopping !

By: Emily Sat, 17 Jun 2017 05:15:10 +0000 In reply to ellen beck.

This link will take you to this giveaway but on the GT site. Could you try this one and let me know if it spins for you too or not? It’s continued to get entries (and is still working fine for me) so it seems to not be a very widespread issue which is why I was thinking that clearing your cookies and cache would be the answer. If this link doesn’t work maybe try another web browser? Hope one of those works but if not let me know. 🙂

By: ellen beck Sat, 17 Jun 2017 03:24:40 +0000
commented-still spinning

By: ellen beck Sat, 17 Jun 2017 02:05:18 +0000 In reply to Emily.

Yep, still spinning. I dont know why, this is the only one I can go to any other giveaway, it is fine, and I visit often (as you know) and can post on anything. I will try clearing but for some reason it is just here.
No worries on twitter, I know you get mentions constantly! I figured I would hear back eventually.
I am on bloglovin now, and went to the watch , and thats acting normal as are the others. I even entered a couple more (because you have some good ones happening!) and they acted fine.

By: Emily Fri, 16 Jun 2017 16:48:30 +0000 In reply to Jeanine Carlson.

I know that some types of vapes are just for flavor so they don’t contain nicotine while others are for those who are used to smoking and want the nicotine. So it wouldn’t surprise me for some bottles to be nicotine free while others contain nicotine, but if you’re saying you’ve seen a bottle say nicotine free on the front and includes nicotine per the label then that is concerning. I would imagine it must be a misprint in the label in that case?

By: Emily Fri, 16 Jun 2017 16:43:27 +0000 In reply to ellen beck.

Hi Ellen,
Sorry it’s giving you trouble :(. I just tried to do a few entries and it worked okay for me without any spinning. Can you see if it’s fixed for you now? If not try clearing your browser cookies and cache to see if that helps.

Also thanks for trying to alert me on twitter. I always appreciate the heads-up when something is wrong with any of our posts. I get tweeted at a few hundred times a day due to the giveaways having my handle in the tweets. I try to browse them and catch any hand-written tweets and reply but I do miss some so feel free to email me if I ever fail to reply on twitter. 🙂

By: ellen beck Fri, 16 Jun 2017 04:50:59 +0000 Emily I tweeted atcha, this one is spinning. I had commented on it and thought entered earlier. The rest of the site is coming in fine.

By: Jeanine Carlson Thu, 15 Jun 2017 07:43:00 +0000 What’s hard to figure out is there are vape bottles that say they are nicotine free but the back label still lists nicotine. How can that be?
