AirThreds Machine Washable Furnace Air Filter Review + Giveaway!

I received product from AirThreds to facilitate this ‘AirThreds Machine Washable Furnace Air Filter Review’.  As always, all opinions are my own.

The primary function of a furnace filter is to trap airborne contaminants (not necessarily for air quality purposes), but to keep them out of the heating and cooling system. However, because the filter removes contaminants for the system’s benefit, air quality also tends to benefits from their removal. 

The last time I purchased furnace filters, I about fell over.  I couldn’t believe the price of just one filter!  My husband said to make sure not to grab the cheapest ones as I did that the time before and they were worthless.   We quickly found the ‘cheapies’ truly didn’t do anything to stop dust and debris as everything went right through them.

So after I returned from the store, I told my husband there must be a better way.  Then, I discovered AirThreds!  

AirThreds Machine Washable Furnace Air Filter Review

AirThreds Machine-Washable Furnace Air Filter Review

In an effort to work on protecting our Earth, I try to reuse as many things as possible.  So when I heard about AirThreds Furnace Filters, I couldn’t wait to try them out!

What Is AirThreds?

AirThreds is the first-ever machine-washable furnace air filter.  They first launched their product on Indiegogo, met their goal in under an hour, and then went on to raise over $360k!  WOWZERS!  I’m not the only one who is excited about the possibility of a reusable, high quality furnace filter that can save time, money, and the environment.

Airthreds Machine-Washable Furnace Air Filter Review

How Do AirThreds Work?

AirThreds Starter Kit and Pro Kit are great choices to start.  They both come with a snap on frame that takes seconds to put together.  (It’s so easy that our 8 year old actually did it for me.)

Airthreds Machine-Washable Furnace Air Filter Review

Then, the starter kit comes with one reusable filter while the pro kit comes with two.  The filters have a zippered opening on one end so you simply slide it over the frame.

Airthreds Machine-Washable Furnace Air Filter Review

Once the filter is completely on, just zip it up.

Airthreds Machine-Washable Furnace Air Filter Review

Now you’re ready to insert into your furnace just like you would with the typical store bought throw-aways.

Airthreds Machine-Washable Furnace Air Filter Review

And you’re all set!  Your Airthreds Filter will work to provide Merv 8 filtration at 492 fpm.

What Size Filters Do They Have?

We actually have two furnaces in our home as our current one wasn’t big enough when we added on last year.  Of course, both take different size filters but AirThreds has us covered with each!  They carry 17 sizes in stock and do accept custom orders as well.  So most likely, they will have your size available.

Airthreds Machine-Washable Furnace Air Filter Review

How Often Do I Have To Wash My AirThreds Filter?

You would want to change and wash your filter as needed, which is about as often as a higher end throw-away needs changing.  Each home will be different based on your environment so take that into consideration.  The nice thing with AirThreds is they have a note in every package that allows you to set either 1 month or 3 month remind texts so they will send a note when it’s time!

Airthreds Machine-Washable Furnace Air Filter Review

How Many Times Can My AirThreds Filter Be Washed & Reused?

The AirThreds team recommends purchasing a new AirThreds filter after 36 to 50 washes to maintain maximum efficiency.  

There are two components that can wear down in your AirThreds filter.  One is the anti-bacterial coating and the other is the mesh that the filter is made from. Both are designed tough though!  Studies have shown that after 35 to 50 washes, the coating still maintained itself on average 80%. In terms of the mesh, testing shows their premium German fabric is altered only 0.8% after 10 washes.

Airthreds Machine-Washable Furnace Air Filter Review

Can These Be Used In Air Returns Too?

AirThreds can actually be used in both forced air furnaces as well as air return vents and in the HVAC unit!

What Are AirThreds Filters Rated As?

AirThreds are rated MERV 8, where the team found it a healthy balance between filtration and airflow efficiency. While many newer units can handle MERV 11+ there are just as many older units that cannot, making MERV 8 a happy medium usable by most systems!

AirThreds Machine Washable Furnace Air Filter Review

Quick Rundown On AirThreds Filters

Simply unzip, wash, replace, and breathe easy!  AirThreds delivers:

  • No Dust Cakes
  • No Leaks
  • No Bacteria
  • Clean Air
  • Energy Efficient
  • Easy Care
  • Increased Savings
  • Sustainable

AirThreds Accolades 

Beyond all the great things above, AirThreds has been featured on Business Insider, iHeartRadio, Taste of Home, and CBS. They’ve also been selected to join the Amazon Launchpad program. 

So tell me, have you ever heard about AirThreds Machine Washable Furnace Air Filters before?  Do you want to give them a try?

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AirThreds Machine Washable Furnace Air Filter Review + Giveaway!

AirThreds Starter Kit Giveaway!

One lucky Emily Reviews reader will win their very own AirThreds Starter Kit so they can get started on saving money on furnace filters right away!  This giveaway is open to the Continental US only, just enter the widget below for your chance to win.  Good luck!

Entry Form




This post currently has 46 responses.

  • Lauryn R

    I learned that you can get 15% off of your first purchase! This is such a brilliant idea, I love that you can reuse them over and over again! This is such a great way to try and save our planet, more companies need to do this.

  • Stephanie Liske

    I learned these are reusable air filters. 🙂

  • Angela Saver

    I learned and really like that these are reusable and the hassle-free shopping.

  • Ken Ohl

    I really Iove the fact that you can get a discount on your first purchase and that there is reusable air filters

  • Will G

    I love that you can wash this.

  • Nicole Martin

    I love that it is machine washable and it can be used over and over again!

  • Peggy Nunn

    I like that it is washable and will last a long time. The prices are ridiculous for throw away filters.

  • Peggy Nunn

    I like the 8 year old can put it together. That makes me think I can do it.

  • Kris I.

    I love that they are reusable!

  • monique s

    So eco friendly and smart I love this

  • Abra R.

    I love that they are washable/reusable! No more waiting till payday to change the filter!

  • Anne Perry

    I learned that AirThreds® Fits Most Standard
    Hvac System

  • Sharon Rooney

    I love that fact that they give you a discount on your first purchase, that they can be washed and are re-useable.
    Air Filters are so darn expensive I almost fell over when I bought my last one.
    The price isn’t too bad either.

  • Cheryl Sutton

    Well, Washing it is a game-changer for me! and the Price brings a smile to my face .

  • Lori P

    I love that there are reusable options – the filters I’ve been using are so bulky and wasteful

  • Teresa Kunberger

    I love that One AirThreds is Equal to 36 Single use Air Filters how cool is that!?

  • alena SVETELSKA

    I really like how can you wash this

  • Cynthia C

    I like that the filters are reusable and keeps discards out of the landfill.

  • Vickie V

    Depending on each homes environment issues we can expect about 34 washes per filter!
    Love that. Environmental friendly.

  • beth shepherd

    I love that they are reusable and not more trash. Thank you

  • Leela

    I love that it’s washable.

  • Barrie

    These last up to 50 washes! I love the idea of a washable filter to save money and help the environment!

  • Sarah L

    We haven’t had that issue, but if it’s something you’re worried about, here are some suggestions. First, we recommend not washing your AirThreds with delicate items. If you don’t want to wash it by itself, throw it in with jeans or towels. Second, you can “pre-treat” by running your vacuum hose over your filter to remove excess contaminants. This is also a great solution for a quick clean between washes!
    Thanks for the contest.

  • Jennifer H.

    I learned that AirThreds remove unpleasant odors and capture airborne allergens, dust, pet dander, chemicals, and mold spores at more than 90% efficiency.

  • Melissa Storms

    I like that the filter lasts through many washings before needing to be replaced.

  • Betty Curran

    I absolutely have to tell my son about these filters. We were just talking about how often he has to buy new filters,

  • Peggy Nunn

    I would like to get some of these for our filters.

  • Jessica s

    I learned that One AirThreds
    is Equal to 36 Single use Air Filters

  • Mikhail Rapoport

    We like this product is easy to assemble and effective at collecting/filtering dust and pollutants.

  • Chris L

    I love that they are washable. Fitlers get to be so very expensive.

  • monique s

    Such a money saver and now with it warming up a great time to set this up for next season

  • Jeremy Mclaughlin

    I like how they are washable.

  • aaron r

    AirThreds Pro Kit Combo (2 Filters + 1 Frame) that’s some of the stuff many homes need.

  • monique s

    This looks like it really does a good job of filtering from the stats

  • Peggy Nunn

    It looks easy to put together and I like the washable part.

  • Alecia Gibson

    I love that the filters are environmentally friendly.

  • Dandi D

    I love that you can wash these filters and use them over and over again!

  • Wow, I love that these are reusable and we don’t have to keep throwing the old kind in the garbage and filling up landfills with them. Thanks and God bless!

  • monique s

    A great variety of sizes. This feels healthier than the throw away filters that feel like insulation

  • Jessica Gipson

    I love that the filters reduce landfill waste, and lower carbon emissions. Awesome!

  • Anita Jude

    I learn that it is built to last and AirThreds remove unpleasant odors and capture airborne allergens, dust, pet dander, chemicals, and mold spores at more than 90% efficiency.

  • donna porter

    I love the fact these filters are washable and last so long! This will save so much money!

  • Betty Curran

    I love that you can save so much money with these reusable filters

  • monique s

    So easy and love you don’t have to fiddle with. it too much

  • George Whitman

    So this looks like a great product… what concerns me is when an idea that looks as simple as this one has unusual information in its literature. Why would a lower MERV filter be replaced more often then a higher? MERV 6 filters capture only larger particles therefore they would not block more quickly then higher MERV in the same air stream given the same filter surface area. Also most MERV 8 filters are articulated.
    This means a store bought pleated MERV 8 would have a much larger surface area then the AirThreds. Surface area of a filter medium is again one of the largest indicators of filter life, which is why many 4” home filters are only recommended to be changed once or twice a year. Lastly the advice to add them in return air grills around ones home is poor at best. By adding additional restrictions in your ducting system you will reduce airflow. If you do not have the air flow adjust when you do this it greatly increases the chance of damaging your HVAC equipment (cracked heat exchangers on gas/oil fire equipment). It is disappointing to see a great product idea not being properly or honestly marketed. I have 6.5 years as a residential 14 year commercial and 7 year industrial HVAC experience. I really like the idea of this product but when you see blatant miss information in a companies ad it makes you wonder if they are being honest in other areas…..

  • Helga

    I’ve never seen a furnace filter like this one. It looks like it really works and how nice that the filters are machine washable.

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