A Candle for Men – The Spa Girl Life Review

Thanks to The Spa Girl Life for sending me this candle. As always, all opinions are my own. I've got a question for you; how are you holding up during this worldwide pandemic? I don't know that any of us could have predicted that we'd still be experiencing this back when it all started this spring. I've had the opportunity to talk to many of my girlfriends and family members so I feel like I'm in a good place mentally, though I know others are really struggling. And when it comes to men, who are Read more [...]

Garden Fresh Tomato Salsa Recipe

Do you grow a garden each year? We've tried a couple times in the raised beds around our deck, but we just never have much luck. My parents and grandparents always grow huge gardens though, so we end up with more produce than we know what to do with; especially tomatoes! This year I had some tomatoes that were going to go bad if they didn't get used up, so I made a fresh salsa that was a HUGE hit, even with our kids! I only had to buy a couple of ingredients, and it lasted us almost a week of daily Read more [...]

Natural Ways to Stay Healthy this Winter – Earthley Elderberry Sale!

There are affiliate links in this post. As always, all opinions are my own. All families take different approaches to health. Our family leans towards the prevention method and we try to eliminate or lessen the effects of illnesses, especially in winter when we're more likely to catch something. With two young kids, both involved in activities throughout the year, we are exposed to our fair share of sickness. That being said, we tend to get over things fairly quickly and have also been able to Read more [...]

Fungisaurs Mystery Collectibles Review + Giveaway

Thanks to Fungisaurs for sending me the first series in their collection! As always, all opinions are my own. Do your kids like blind bag/mystery toys? Mine are absolutely obsessed! There's something about opening the little packages that feels like Christmas and Fungisaurs are our new favorite mystery collectible. They just launched the first series in their collection and let me tell you; our kids think they are so fun! Fungisaurs This first series consists of eight different Fungisaurs. Read more [...]

Kontu Magnetic STEM Blocks Review [Great for School at Home!]

Thanks to Kontu for sending me a set of their STEM blocks. As always, all opinions are my own. If you've followed the blog for awhile you know that we have chosen to homeschool our kids. This will be Harper's second grade year and Lincoln is just four so we'll work on some general skills with him but nothing too structured. One thing both kids will be using this year are our new Kontu STEM Blocks! Kontu Magnetic STEM Blocks These Kontu Magnetic STEM BlocksĀ are made in Thailand from sustainable Read more [...]
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