Sumo Lounge Sumo Sultan Bean Bag Chair Review
I recently discovered that I really do like bean bag chairs, provided they are high quality. My fiancé pretty much claimed our other bean bag chair, so I was excited to be able to review a Sumo Lounge bean bag chair, one I could have all to myself.
Sumo Lounge sells luxury bean bag chairs, but at great, competitive prices. All their bean bag chairs have high quality filling, and removable covers, and are definitely not the hard crunchy bean bag chairs you might be used to seeing. I received the Read more [...]
Neater Feeder Review & Giveaway (4/17)
I have both a cat and a dog. My dog isn't too bad when it comes to feeding her. If she makes a mess, she normally just eats it up in a bit. However, my cat makes a HUGE mess whenever he eats. We keep his food on the counter, so our dog can't get to it, and there is always cat food all over the counter. At least, there used to be.
The Neater Feeder is a feeder for your cat or dog, that keeps the food and water tidy. If water spills, it's no big deal, the feeder traps the water on the bottom, and Read more [...] Cherry Blossom Soy Serenity Candle Review, Discount & Giveaway (4/17)
As I'm sure most of you know by now, natural waxes are the new trend with candles. This is because we've found out that paraffin wax, the traditional wax, is actually quite bad for you, and is also not nearly as green, as it is made from petroleum, a non-renewable resource. Soy candles are not bad for you, and are a completely renewable source.
I was very happy to be able to review a candle from home of the Serenity Candle Company. Serenity Candles make eco-friendly soy candles Read more [...]
Bean Bag Chair Outlet King Beany XL Royal Sack Review
My fiancé has been wanting a bean bag chair for quite some time now, but he's incredibly picky when it comes to one. I never understood why. I thought all bean bag chairs were pretty much the same, and I didn't understand why he liked them so much. To me, I always thought of bean bag chairs as being small, and uncomfortable furniture for children. I had no idea there were so many different types, for children and adults, and I never knew how comfortable they could be.
Bean Bag Chair Outlet has Read more [...]
Spot On Energy Patches Review
Both my fiancé and I are energy drink addicts. I have health problems, which cause me to be chronically fatigued, so sometimes the only way I can have the necessary energy is to drink an energy drink. I've tried to stick to low-carb, sugar free ones, since I know how unhealthy energy drinks can be. But even with those, they're still chock full of unhealthy, unnatural ingredients. They also tend to hurt my stomach, but I've just put up with it, because I thought there wasn't a better option.
Spot Read more [...]