Articles about Babies
Hospital Bags Are Packed! Countdown To Baby Is On!

I have less than six weeks to go until my scheduled c-section and the arrival of our second baby. Add on the fact that this baby is measuring two weeks bigger than he's supposed to be... it makes me a little anxious to get things lined up for his arrival and our bags packed for the hospital.
When I was expecting our first baby I searched online for what to pack in my hospital bag and found tons of differing opinions about what you should pack. Now, for baby number two, I feel like I have a Read more [...]
Zubels Petit Ami Offers Classic Eco-Friendly Purposeful Toys For Kids

I received product from Zubels Petit Ami to facilitate this post. All opinions are my own.
My cousin is expecting her very first child soon and she was thrilled to learn it was a girl. It's the first grandchild on both sides of the family for her and her husband so everyone is especially excited. As we were talking one day, we started discussing toys. I am a huge advocate for toys with a purpose. Classic toys that are destined to become heirlooms, passed down to other children in the family. Read more [...]
Discount Code for Precious Moments Baby Gift Sets – Hurry! Code good through 9/13!

I will be receiving product in exchange for this promotion from Precious Moments.
Precious Moments is offering a discount code for Baby Gift Sets featuring adorable Aurora Plush and Luvsters along with coordinating Precious Moments infant gifts. These Precious Moments Gift Sets are perfect for welcoming a new baby home or for showering expectant moms. I can't wait to receive the set pictured above for our baby boy who is set to arrive in the next seven weeks or so!
Head over HERE and use code: 7PMBABYGIFT Read more [...]
SoapSox – Bathtime Fun For Little Ones! {Review}

Thank you to SoapSox for sending product for review in exchange for my honest opinion.
It's no secret, my daughter is a huge SoapSox fan! Since we got to review her first SoapSox character Ava the Dolphin about a year ago, she hasn't taken a bath without her. Last winter we added Nemo to our bathtime pals and now the newest additions to our SoapSox menagerie are Minnie and Mickey Mouse. Mickey was meant to be for her little brother this fall, but she's having a great time with Mickey while Read more [...]
Need Some Baby Gift Ideas? Check Out Audrey’s Bear & Easy Baby Travelers!

Thank you to Audrey's Bear and Easy Baby Travelers for sending product for review in exchange for my honest opinion.
I am always on the lookout for fun and unique baby gift ideas. I give gifts for baby showers as well as each new baby that enters the family or my group of close friends. It gets to be a lot of baby gifts each year! Now that I am pregnant too, I have been doing a lot of research on baby items. I have been getting rid of a ton of things that I had from our daughter and working Read more [...]