Articles about Babies
My Long Awaited HomeBirth Story

First let me start off with thanking you all for being so patient with me while I got myself more set in a three child home! It has taken a little while to write this due to the hectic life that is a newborn, six and four year old. So without further delay, my homebirth story.
I had what would be my last prenatal on February 23rd. Everything was checking out great. My Iron was on point and I was feeling great. My midwife Hannah needed to be gone up north two hours for a certification program February Read more [...]
Tiny Love Meadow Days Super Mat & Into The Forest Musical Nature Stroll ~ Review

Thank you to Tiny Love for sending products for review in exchange for my honest opinion.
I'm now 14 weeks along, with 25 weeks to go, I know the coming weeks will fly by. I am already working on getting ready for baby number two. Most baby gear and toys I will be re-using for baby number two, but I am looking forward to having a few new things for my new little bundle to enjoy too. I jumped at the chance to partner with Tiny Love to showcase some of their newest products: the Meadow Days Read more [...]
Sea-Band Mama! – Relief For Nausea – Review

Thank you to Sea-Band Mama! for sending products for review in exchange for my honest opinion.
I am almost 14 weeks pregnant now. I have been struggling with nausea since about six weeks along. In my search for relief, I found Sea-Band Mama! They sent me a set of Sea-Bands, an Essential Oil Rollette and Ginger Lozenges. These items have been a constant in my home, work bag and purse for the past couple months.
TheSea-Band Mama! essential oil roller uses concentrated plant extracts. The Rollette Read more [...]
Bamboobies ~ Keeping Breastfeeding Stylish

Thank you to Bamboobies for providing me with product in exchange for review. All opinions are my own.
As I have mentioned in the past, I went 4 years of breastfeeding without ever owning any breastfeeding specific clothing. I had so many stretched out neck holes on my regular shirts that I wasn't able to wear them after I was done nursing. Often times I would get a plugged duct due to stretching a sports bra up over or down around my breast. I owned a couple low quality nursing bras and they Read more [...]
Spring Is In The Air & I’ve Got Big News To Share!

It's spring 2018 and the flowers and grass aren't the only thing growing around here!
Baby number two is on the way - due November 5th, 2018.
We are so excited to welcome a new little one to our family. We have prayed for this baby and are so excited to meet him or her!
Quite possibly the most excited one is our two year old daughter. She seems to understand that there is a baby in mommy's belly. When asked if she thinks she is getting a brother or a sister, she says a sister every time. In Read more [...]