Articles about Babies
Seasons In Life ~ Just Call Me Mom

You know, I used to consider myself a good friend. We'd get together for game nights, talk on the phone, shop, and do other things that friends do. Then, I got married and had a baby. Being the first in my small group of friends to make that leap from child to adult was fairly seamless. I mean, a small baby was easily transportable. But once that little one began to crawl, both her world and mine began to change. Then came baby number two. The visits and outings became fewer in number Read more [...]
Preparing For Spring With Feltman Brothers’ Heirloom Clothing

The weather has been unseasonably warm here in Minnesota and it's been giving us all spring fever. With that, comes our preparation for the next holiday, Easter! I love this holiday as it reminds me of new life and fulfilled prophesy. So as I began planning our Easter Sunday wardrobes, I turned to Feltman Brothers' classic styles for our youngest little girl. Their styles focus on tradition, yet are innovative and fun. Their handcrafted designs offer an old-world feel that just can't be Read more [...]
Bambino Mio ~ It’s Potty Training Time!

Sending a big thank you to Bambino Mio for sending us some potty training goodies!
What comes to mind when you hear the phrase "potty training"? Dread? The seemingly never ending task at hand? I know I used to feel that way. Truth be told, going to the bathroom is one thing that kids have absolute control over and we can do nothing about should it become a battle of the wills. So my goal after severely messing it up with our first child, was to avoid that battle. I would no longer be Read more [...]
Meet The SnooZie Mat {Perfect For Toddlers & Preschoolers} + Discount & Giveaway (US & Canada) 3/22

Does your child struggle with nap time, nights away from home, or even rest time at school? While we lucked out with one (out of five) of our kids in the sleep department, the rest of given us quite the challenge. Our oldest son was always so funny because if he was tired, he would keep asking if it was time for bed yet and, if we didn't head up with him, he'd finally stomp off, say he was going to bed, and tuck himself in. To this day, he's still our best sleeper by far. Come 9pm, he is Read more [...]
Gold Pigeon Shoes ~ Wet & Dry Performance Sandals For The Whole Family! + Discount

Last week, we had some 60 degree weather that really made me realize Spring is truly around the corner. Sure, it IS Minnesota so it's not too crazy to expect another snowstorm yet but we all caught the Spring fever bug that made the kids begging to wear shorts and sandals. So as I started taking stock of what the kids had and what's been outgrown or worn out, I realized that several of us needed sandals. So today, I'm excited to share Gold Pigeon Shoes with you!
Sending a big thank you to Read more [...]