Articles about Babies
First Birthday Smash Cake + $50 AMEX & Dreft Giveaway (11/19)

This post and giveaway were made possible by iConnect and Dreft. I was compensated for my participation in this campaign, but all opinions are 100% mine.
Today is Royce's first birthday! This past year has went by so quickly. The poor guy was diagnosed with croup this week so we're hoping his medication gets him feeling better by tomorrow for his birthday party. He's going to have a Mickey Mouse themed birthday party. His main cake is mickey mouse themed and the bakery it was ordered from gives Read more [...]
North Pole Kids’ Club {Special Delivery} Official Elf Kit + Discount & Giveaway (US) 11/18

Along with the holiday season in November and December comes many traditions. Christmas especially holds a dear place for many. It's magical and exciting while also a very important time for our family as we celebrate the birth of Jesus on December 25th. We've done many different things over the years including: a treasure hunt to find presents on Christmas morning, baking a birthday cake, giving each child 3 gifts to represent the Wise Men's offerings, deliver cookies to the local nursing Read more [...]
Yookidoo Toys For Babies & Toddlers {Holiday Gift Idea}
Yookidoo sent me toys. All opinions are my own. There is an affiliate link in this post.
Babies grow up so quickly. It's hard to believe that my youngest nephew Royce will be turning one on Saturday! It feels like he was just born. He's crawling like a pro, and even climbing up onto furniture like a pro. He isn't quite walking independently yet but I suspect that milestone will be met any day now.
By Christmas, he will be 13 months old. I turned to Yookidoo for two toys for him this year.
The Read more [...]
Teach My Baby Review & Giveaway (11/15)

Thank you to Teach My for sending the Teach My Baby Learning Kit - Deluxe Version for review in exchange for my honest opinion.
Our daughter is 11 months old now. How fast the time flies! As she is getting older, she is making new discoveries and doing new things every day. As her first birthday and Christmas approaches, I have been looking at gift ideas for her. She's getting too big for some of her baby toys and I have been looking for things that will engage her and help her learn. I was excited Read more [...]
boon PULP Review

Thank you to boon for sending the PULP for review in exchange for my honest opinion.
Our daughter is almost eleven months old and we are starting to feed her more and more 'big person' food. I was excited to have the opportunity to partner with boon to review their new product. PULP is a silicone feeder that allows baby to self-feed on fruits and vegetables.
We tried the boon PULP with bananas and apples so far. Our daughter really seems to like the colorful design and the ability to munch Read more [...]