Nested Bean Zen Swaddle ~ Safe Sleeping Tips For National SIDS Awareness Month + Giveaway (US) 11/5

I think babies are awesome!  My absolute favorite stage is newborns because they are so tiny and cuddly.  It's so easy to strap them into a front carrier and just cherish every moment.  Then, they grow up on me and are little balls of energy!  With October being National SIDS Awareness Month, I was happy to partner with Nested Bean to share a few tips for safer sleeping habits. No Stuff & No Fluff:  Avoid putting any blankets, stuffed animals, toys, or side bumpers in the crib Read more [...]

Manhattan Toy Company Review & Giveaway (10/31)

By Asha

October 17th, 2016
Thank you to The Manhattan Toy Company for sending us these fun toys to review! Our 10 month old daughter is becoming more active every day. It seems like she is getting a little bored with her baby toys that she has been playing with for the last few months. I was very excited to partner with The Manhattan Toy Company to review some of their new line of toys and bring some excitement and new 'friends' to my daughter's toy box! We were sent the Woodland Babies Bellamy Bunny Pull Musical Toy, Read more [...]

Celebrate A Healthier Halloween With CVS

I remember that, as a child, I really looked forward to Halloween.  Let's be honest here.... Dressing up in costume is fun any day of the year but to have a date where lots of people do it together makes it extra fun.  I remember driving around to all the neighbors "loading up" on treats.  (We lived in the country so "neighbors" were actually miles away.)  But I also remember that, after a day or two, those treats really weren't all that important.  It was truly the memories that made Halloween Read more [...]

Baby Magic 65th Anniversary & Giveaway (10/28)

I partnered with Baby Magic on this post. I was sent product and compensated. All opinions are my own. I've known about Baby Magic for so long that I can't remember when I learned of it. I was 19 when I was shopping for a gift to take to the hospital for my soon-to-be-born nephew. I knew my sister had received a lot of gifts at her baby shower already and I didn't want to purchase something she already had too much of. I called her to ask if there was something really useful that she hadn't yet Read more [...]

Zubels – Get Ready For Fall – Hand Knit, Crocheted Hat, & Doll + Discount Code & Giveaway (US) 10/28

The air has been turning colder here in Minnesota but I'm so thankful for the days when the sun still shines bright.  As I sit here today and watch the leaves swirling down in the Fall breeze, I can't help but think about how fast this year has gone.  Just about two weeks ago, the kids and I went through the closets and packed or gave away all the clothes that they outgrew as well as most of their summer items.  So now it's time to don the long sleeves, pants, and sweaters.  I even picked up Read more [...]
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