An Impromptu Day At The Zoo {With Freshly Picked Moccasins Review}

For the past two weeks, I've been wanting to surprise our kiddos with a trip to the local zoo.  But wouldn't you know, it's either been raining, too windy, or we have had plans.  Today, though, showed promise so after everyone was up, we got packed up to head out on our mini fun day at the zoo.  As the kids got their shoes and sweatshirts on, I helped our youngest two into their Freshly Picked Moccasins! Sending a big thank you to Freshly Picked for these GORGEOUS Fall colored moccs! With Summer Read more [...]

October Is National SIDS Awareness Month {+ Ollie Swaddle Review}

Ever since becoming a mother, SIDS (or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) has been one of the scary unknowns that is always in the back of my mind.  Back when I did daycare, they even had us providers take a class on it.  Now as foster parents, both my husband and I had to take a SIDS/SUIDS training class again.  While they truly don't know what causes young children to die for no apparent reason in their sleep, per our training, unsafe sleeping conditions has been a leading finding in almost every Read more [...]

Comfy Joey Ring Sling {My Number 1 Choice!} + Free Shipping Code

With six kids ages 7 weeks through 11 years in our home, baby wearing is a necessity for me.  This becomes even more true when away from our home but I also wear our little ones around the house and yard too.  While I have several different carriers and they all do serve a particular purpose, there is one main carrier that I reach for time and time again during those first few months of our children's lives.  My Comfy Joey Ring Sling. Sending a big thank you to Comfy Joey for providing me with Read more [...]

VIVOBAREFOOT ~ Reno First Walkers Collection Sneakers {Review}

Even though it's been studied and proven that barefoot is best, it's just a fact of life that most people need to wear shoes.  There are exceptions in some countries where there just aren't any, but here in the US, it's a necessity.  Although, about 8 years ago this Winter when we were up buying some eggs, honey, and butter from an Amish family, the kids were actually running around and "skating" on some ice bare foot!  I'm far too wimpy to ever attempt such a feat.  So for our family, I just Read more [...]

Adora Dolls BabyTime Babies 5 Piece Set + Giveaway (US & Canada) 10/18

Our 2 year old daughter is obsessed with babies!  Ever since we took in our first (4 month old) foster baby over a month ago, she just can't get enough.  And even though that little girl was only with us two weeks, we knew our daughter missed her as she'd walk around the house looking for baby after she left.  Thankfully, the void didn't last long as our next foster baby arrived just three days later!  So now, with a real tiny baby in our home, the obsession has doubled for her and I was so happy Read more [...]
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