Articles about Babies
NCircle Entertainment’s ~ Guess How Much I Love You & Gumby Gift Set + Giveaway (US & Canada) 10/15

With the cooler days creeping in, our family loves to enjoy snuggling in the house with a cup of hot chocolate and an entertaining children's DVD. Since we don't have any television channels, we rely solely on DVDs that we own for our movie entertainment. We find that this is a great option for our family with six kids under 11, as I no longer have to monitor inappropriate commercials and regular viewing choices. I automatically know that every DVD I get from NCircle Entertainment will fit Read more [...]
Miracle Sleeper Review and Giveaway (10/13)

Thank you Miracle Baby for sending us a Miracle Sleeper for review!
Sleep takes on a new meaning and importance in your life when you have an infant. We will do whatever it takes to help our daughter sleep, meaning we can sleep! Her safety and comfort while sleeping is our top priority. Our daughter loves to be warm when sleeping and she seems to wake up more often if she is chilled. We know that lose blankets in the crib are not a safe option, so we were excited to get the chance to try the Read more [...]
Stride Rite Leepz Sneakers & Made2Play Phibian Sneaker/Sandals {Final Back To School Prep!}

While most schools are now in session, the crazy back to school season can be so stressful that some things just have to get put on the back burner. While backpacks, notebooks, folders, markers, pens, and pencils are a necessity for that very first day, one things that many families may be in the market for this month still is a great pair of shoes to complete the 2016-2017 school year. Thankfully, the highly trusted shoe brand, Stride Rite, is here to help. They've been creating shoes built Read more [...]
Cozy Cover ~ The Original Car Seat Cover + Giveaway (US) 10/12

I have mentioned in a previous posts how my husband and I had been in the process of getting licensed for foster care. Before that was even complete, we had received a phone call for our first foster children! That was an exciting and scary time as we were unsure of what to expect. No matter how much you prepare, foster care is such an uncertain path. I've been told you just never know when you'll get a call for a child/ren or when that next call will come saying the social worker will be Read more [...]
Nano ~ Cool, Contemporary, & Comfortable Kids Clothes + Giveaway (Continental US) 10/10

The beginning of Fall brings many changes. Not only is school back in session, the weather has turned cool and the leaves have begun to change and drift to the ground already here in Minnesota. Even though we're still plenty busy around the farm with field work: chopping, combining, emptying the pit, etc., it's time to start digging out the bulky coats, hats, and mittens. I also start pulling out the gorgeous fall clothes with deep, bold colors. To help our family prepare, Nano Baby sent Read more [...]