Articles about Babies
#GetCurious & Celebrate Curious George’s 75th Birthday {+ Giveaway!) US 9/21

Growing up, I look back at my elementary education days fondly. There were days where we'd head down to the computer lab and hit the trails on the beloved Oregon Trails computer game or crunch math facts with Number Munchers. Then, there were other days were we'd spend some time in the library. I quickly learned where some of my favorites were located and I'd always run see if there was a new release waiting. One of those beloved book themes just happened to be Curious George! Partly fueled Read more [...]
pediped ~ Back To School & Fall Styles Now Available! + Giveaway (US & Canada) 9/21

I'm a bit sad to say that it's almost time to pack up the flip flops and summer clothes. Here in Minnesota, the month of September tends to bring in cooler temps for the better part of most days. The last few days have even had a cooler north wind blowing in. So as we start making these preparations, I turned to pediped for a new pair of shoes for our 6 year old son.
Sending a big thank you to pediped for sending us these gorgeous shoes!
Just in case you're unfamiliar, pediped is an award Read more [...]
Hi Little One’s ~ Personalized 3 Piece Gift Sets {Perfect Baby Gift!} Review

I absolutely love babies! So soft and sweet, those first days just fly by in an exhausted hurry and before I knew it, my babies were toddlers! But just a couple weeks ago, a new baby was welcomed into our extended family and my husband and I are thrilled to meet our new nephew. Even more exciting, my husband was asked to be his Godfather! So I immediately went on a hunt to find the perfect gift for his baptism and found just the thing over at Hi Little One, a great company started by two Read more [...]
Marcus & Marcus: Modern Mealtime Accessories For Baby

Thank you to Marcus & Marcus for sending us these fun products for review!
Our daughter is getting bigger every day. The first few months have flown by! At 9 months old, she has already learned so many new skills. It is so exciting to see each milestone achieved. Right now she is eating baby food, but we know that 'table food' is just around the corner! We were delighted to receive the Rocket Silicone Dispensing Feeding Spoon, Fork and Spoon Set, Silicone Divided Plate and Collapsible Read more [...]
Gakken’s Go Go Series Activity Workbooks For 2-5 Year Olds {Review}

The world has become so fast paced and competitive that gone are the days where kids just played all day. Most schools seem to want kids to have a jump on a variety of skills by the time they start kindergarten now. When I was a kid, we didn't learn to read until first grade but I know that, locally, the kids are already reading by the middle of kindergarten. So with this push, comes the need for great resources, products, and activities that can help aid parents in equipping their children Read more [...]