Articles about Discount

Nadine West Outfits Review {& FREE Shipping Deal! Try It 100% Free!}

I was sent a nadine west shipment for review. All opinions are my own. There are affiliate links in this post. Nadine West is a clothing subscription company. You fill out a style profile sharing your clothing sizes and information about your style preferences. Don't like gold-toned jewelry? Do you aim for clothing that conceals your belly area? Do you wear scarves or not? What about stripes, florals and polka dots? What colors do you NEVER wear? All sorts of information like this is taken about Read more [...]

skinnytees – The Best Wardrobe Basics You Can Find! {+ Discount & Giveaway!}

I received product from skinnytees to facilitate this post.  As always, all opinions are my own. I'm a girl who lives for comfort.  But on the other hand, I also like to look great.  Sometimes that combination doesn't go hand in hand.  Other times, I'll discover an awesome, family run company like skinnytees who completely nails it and delivers everything I'm looking for. skinnytees - The Best Wardrobe Basics You Can Find! Have you ever been shopping and you try something Read more [...]

Mother’s Day Gift Guide 2020 | Gift Ideas For Mom

Emily Reviews writers were sent products for our Mother's day gift guide. There are affiliate links in this post. All opinions are our own. 2020 has been a rather unique year so far! I don't know if anyone feels like life is super normal or ordinary right now. Going to the grocery store certainly doesn't feel the same as it did a few months ago. Many parents have had way more time with their children than they usually would during the spring season. I think for most of us, 2020 will stand Read more [...]

Teach Young Children to Play Chess with Story Time Chess! {Plus, a Discount + Giveaway}

By Amber

April 21st, 2020
Thanks to Story Time Chess for sending me a copy of this fun game! There is a sponsored link inserted. As always, all opinions are my own. How is your family holding up during this pandemic? We're doing pretty well over here but are starting to get a bit bored. One thing we've been doing is playing board games as a family more, which is fun for all of us. That being said, I can only play the same games over and over so many times before I start to go a little crazy! When I heard about a new game Read more [...]

Empress Mimi Foxy Cleopatra Set Review + Discount

By Amber

April 21st, 2020
Thanks to Empress Mimi for sending me this gorgeous set. As always, all opinions are my own. Mother's Day is just around the corner, and while a lingerie subscription isn't something you'd probably purchase for your mom, it could make a great gift for the mother of your children or for yourself! Empress Mimi is a lingerie subscription service that offers custom boxes filled with beautiful lingerie designed by and for women. Along with the monthly subscription option, you can purchase pieces individually Read more [...]
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