Articles about Discount

Bed Buddy Thermatherapy Wrap For Joint Pain Relief

This is a sponsored post with Carex. All opinions are my own. In my house, the most common form of pain seems to be joint pain. Ryan's knees ache after long days, or when the weather changes. I have pain less often, but when I do, it's usually in my shoulder after sleeping with my arm up. It can be tricky to try to relief joint pain without taking meds because joints move and are difficult to keep covered. You can use a heating pad or an ice pack on a joint if you stay perfectly still and don't Read more [...]

CO-Z Adult 10lb Weighted Blanket & Minky Cover Review & Giveaway

I was sent a weighted blanket and cover for review. All opinions are my own. I was officially diagnosed with anxiety when I was 13, though I think I was pretty much born a nervous nelly. For most of my life I've slept okay, I certainly don't think I have true insomnia or anything...but I've never been able to fall asleep quicky. Falling asleep within 20 minutes or so of laying down is a win for me, while 30-40 minutes is probably more my norm. When I've had a really high anxiety day, it sometimes Read more [...]

5 Reasons Why Sleep Is Vitally Important To YOU! {+ SweetNight DISCOUNT!}

I received product to facilitate this post about '5 Reasons Why Sleep Is Vitally Important To YOU'.  As always, all opinions are my own. Sleep is a vital part of life for everyone.  However, sometimes I forget how important until I'm lacking.  But did you realize that a person's overall wellbeing and health can be directly linked to adequate sleep?  Getting adequate rest may also help work to prevent excess weight gain, heart disease, and increased illness duration. 5 Read more [...]

Ergo21 Seat Cushion Review With LiquiCell Technology For Better Blood Flow

This is a sponsored post with Ergo21. There may be affiliate links in this post. All opinions are my own. Ergo21 makes seat cushions using LiquiCell Technology. The brand says each cushion has four liquid-filled membranes. In other words, each cushion has four cells or pockets that are liquid-filled. These liquid cells make these cushions comfortable to sit on for extended periods, because they keep blood flow below the tail bone and thighs.   My dad has prostate cancer and sometimes Read more [...]

We’re Using Amberwing Organics Pets CBD Oil For My Pug’s Arthritis

Amberwing Organic's sent me their Pets CBD oil for review. This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own. CBD seems to be all the rage right now. I've tried some CBD products for humans and have been uncertain if I see any clear benefits or not. I have a 15-year-old pug, Frank, who has late-stage arthritis. It's so bad that he hasn't been able to walk on his on the last few months. The arthritis causes him to stay so tight that he can't relax his back legs fully so they stay in unnatural positions Read more [...]
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