Articles about DIY
DIY Little Girls Tie Dye Dress

I absolutely love crafting, creating and making just about anything. Sewing has been an area that makes me a bit nervous as it takes so much time and if you get it wrong it feels like a waste of said time. When we were going to Hippy Fest we all made our own tie dye shirts to wear there. My husbands turned out to be his favorite shirt! My daughter didn't really like hers much so I decided to help her out and make a dress out of the couple extra shirts that we had made. Here is a tutorial on how I Read more [...]
Quick & Easy DIY Blanket Ladder Made With Reclaimed Wood

I love the look of blanket ladders. I think they add a cozy feel to the room and make guests feel warm and welcome. What I don't love, is the prices on store bought blanket ladders. It blows my mind that stores can charge $50 and more for a few pieces of wood screwed together. After searching the internet high and low for deals and coming up empty handed, I decided to just make a blanket ladder myself.
We have a few family members who have recently demoed projects in their homes. We were given Read more [...]
DIY Basket of Sunshine Gift

Each year I give gifts to the three administrative professionals whom I work with. This year I decided to do a twist on a gift that I gave to my best friend a few years ago when she was having a tough time. This Basket of Sunshine Gift is easy to put together yourself and is relatively inexpensive - each basket cost me less than $20 to put together, and turned out really cute!
As you can see, I picked out a bunch of yellow colored treats. I tried to get a variety of drinks, salty and sweet Read more [...]
Turn Your Water Table Into A Sensory Bin

We live in Minnesota where winter seems to last forever! It's the beginning of April now and we STILL have snow on the ground along with more projected on the way. While snow is nice and all, it gets really old when we are 6+ months into it. Come March, most Minnesotans are just ready for it to go away! And our family is itching for Spring just like everyone else.
So when we get tired and bored with the never ending winter, I have to get creative. With five bio kids plus any fosters, Read more [...]
#DIY Creating Custom Pillows With Chalk Paint

Last month, we purchased new furniture. The couch and loveseat came with two beautiful bright yellow throw pillows. I like yellow but, it just doesn't go with my home decor color palette. I spent A LOT of time on Pinterest searching for fun ideas on how to cover these pillows. End the end, I decided to chalk paint pillowcases for them!
I took a painters drop cloth that I had been using prior as a tablecloth. I gave the drop cloth a good wash with hot water with mild soap. Once it Read more [...]