Classy Leather Bags – A Gift Idea for Her!

By Amber

December 7th, 2021
Thanks to Classy Leather Bags for sending me these products. As always, all opinions are my own. If you're looking for a timeless, beautiful gift for her this year, check out Classy Leather Bags! These 100% handcrafted, artisan-made products range from messenger bags to duffel bags, handbags, leather journals, and more. Their leather comes from buffalo and goat skin from animals who are already deceased due to natural causes so no animals are harmed during the production process. Classy Leather Read more [...] “Ugly” Christmas Sweaters Perfect For Partying ~ Review

Thank you to for providing me with products to facilitate my blog review. All opinions are 100% my own. For the last five years, we have hosted a Christmas Eve party for my family as well as my husband's family. We have a delicious potluck, play some games, exchange gifts, and enjoy each other's company. This year, we decided to make the gathering an Ugly Christmas Sweater party. We thought it would be fun to see the sweaters everyone comes up with. We haven't been to an Ugly Christmas Read more [...]

Adorable Family Christmas Jammies From PatPat!

By Asha

November 29th, 2021
Thank you to PatPat for sending Christmas Jammies for my family in exchange for my honest opinion in this review.  I've wanted matching Christmas jammies for the family for many years now. This year I got to partner with PatPat, and I am so excited we got the chance to do so! We chose the family matching Red Car Carrying Christmas Tree Pajamas Set.  We put up the Christmas tree & decorated for the holiday season in our matching family jammies from PatPat this year!  Having Read more [...]

Leguano Barefoot Shoes Review & Gift Idea

Leguano sent me shoes in exchange for this review. All opinions are my own.

As a child I remember seeing some "first walking shoes" that were probably from the 1950's or 1960's. I was so surprised at how hard they were! They seemed so uncomfortable, and I couldn't imagine a baby trying to walk in those. At the time, most of the babies I knew just wore 'regular' shoes. 

As I've gotten older, I've noticed more and more parents turning to barefoot-style baby shoes for their babies as they Read more [...]

XL Feet Hoss Cartwright II Wellington Soft Toe/Non-Safety Toe Boots ~ Review

Thank you to XL Feet for providing me with products to facilitate my blog review. All opinions are 100% my own.

My husband works outside in the woods. His day involves walking in dangerous situations. He could be climbing over tree limbs and branches; hiking in poison oak; or in icy, snowy, and muddy areas. His feet are not what I would consider being pampered but they feel pampered in his Hoss Cartwright II Wellington Soft Toe/Non-Safety Toe boots from XL Feet.

These boots come in an extra-wide Read more [...]

Tempur777 Tempur777