Copper Clothing – Anti-Microbial Masks, Socks, Gloves & Apparel Infused With Copper {Review + Discount}

By Asha

September 21st, 2020
Thank you to Copper Clothing for providing products for review in exchange for my honest opinion. You have maybe heard of the anti-microbial benefits of micro silver in clothing and medical supplies, but have you heard of the benefits of copper infused clothing? Before being introduced to the Copper Clothing brand and products, I had no idea the benefits that copper infused clothing offers the wearer. Copper has been shown in published studies around the world to destroy 99.9% of bacteria, Read more [...]

Mask Market – Custom Face Masks {Review + Giveaway!}

By Asha

September 2nd, 2020
Thank you to Mask Market for sending a custom mask in exchange for my honest opinion. As you may remember, I am a full-time school nurse. This is going to be an especially difficult start to the school year for so many reasons. Something I had worried about was that my students won't be able to see me smile behind my mask this year. When Mask Market asked if I would like to try one of their custom face masks and I learned that I could upload my own photo - and get a mask with my own smile Read more [...]

Summer Basics For Guys From Basic MAN {Review + Discount Code}

By Asha

August 29th, 2020
Thank you to Basic MAN for sending product for review in exchange for my honest opinion. It's late August and it is hot where I live right now! I am not a fan of the heat. Neither is my husband, since as a farmer he is working outside in the heat all day. Something I do love about summer is the beautiful blue sky, and the bright colors of the produce and flowers in my garden. My husband's latest Basic MAN subscription included some fun, summery colors. As with the past few month's subscriptions, Read more [...]

Surprise Your Sweetie With A SprezzaBox Subscription This Summer! Discount Code Included!

By Asha

August 25th, 2020
Thank you to SprezzaBox for sending a subscription box each month in exchange for my honest opinion. Thankfully my husband and I were able to take a trip to Jamaica in January before COVID became a big concern. Now, we are dreaming of our next vacation, not knowing how many years away that might be. The SprezzaBox stylists had this to say about the latest box my husband received, "Not traveling any time soon? Well, get in the spirit with your new airplane tie clip and start researching Read more [...]

My Best Nadine West Clothing Subscription Yet?

I was sent this Nadine West package for review. All opinions are my own. There are affiliate links in this post. If you're new around here, Nadine West is a subscription service for women's clothing and accessories. You fill out a style profile that includes your clothing sizes and tells the stylists what you like to wear. Gold or silver toned jewelry? Animal prints? Do you want to conceal your belly area? Do you wear scarves? Do you refuse to wear orange? These are the types of information that Read more [...]
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