Articles by Lakota
Bamboobies ~ Keeping Breastfeeding Stylish

Thank you to Bamboobies for providing me with product in exchange for review. All opinions are my own.
As I have mentioned in the past, I went 4 years of breastfeeding without ever owning any breastfeeding specific clothing. I had so many stretched out neck holes on my regular shirts that I wasn't able to wear them after I was done nursing. Often times I would get a plugged duct due to stretching a sports bra up over or down around my breast. I owned a couple low quality nursing bras and they Read more [...]
KNOW Foods ~ A Paleo Friendly Review & Giveaway (5/15)

Thank you to KNOW Foods for providing me with product in exchange for review. All opinions are my own.
Cutting out certain favorite or go to meals makes dieting so much harder. You forget to get groceries and you land back in the same routine of the old unhealthy meals and you remember how much you missed them. Finding great healthy supplements is where I believe the key is!
KNOW Foods offers paleo friendly substitutes to so many non paleo foods. I really missed cookies for a while and Read more [...]
A Love Letter to My Doula

I should start off with an explanation of what Doula means.
a woman who is trained to assist another woman during childbirth and who may provide support to the family after the baby is born.
Honestly it's hard to know where to start. I've known my Doula Deb for seven years. So many cheers, victories, sad moments and more have been shared through that seven years. I am so glad that we met, worked together in one occasion and developed Read more [...]
A Thank You Letter to My Midwife

For those of you who were following my pregnancy journey, it has ended! My birth story and some beautiful home birth pictures are to come soon! For now it is time I pour out my heart to my dearest midwife.
Dear Hannah,
First off I want to start off with, I see you. I see the amazing mom you are to your little ones and how hard you work to make sure that they are cared for, loved, and in the best hands while you are engulfed in your ever demanding but incredibly beautiful life calling. I can Read more [...]
Maintaining Good Health with WishGarden Herbs

Thank you to WishGarden Herbs for providing me with product in exchange for review purposes. All opinions belong to myself.
I love supporting my body in the best most natural way. I really believe that when we use medicine closest to its true form I.E herbs, tinctures etc. that we are handing our body the most simple key to our health. WishGarden Herbs believes the same things and offers tons of products to help you with so many different ailments.
When you have a bigger family, getting Read more [...]