Articles by Lakota
WishGarden Herbs and Postpartum Healing

Thank you to WishGarden Herbs for providing me with product in exchange for review. All opinions belong to myself.
Throughout my entire pregnancy I was taking herbal tinctures recommended by my midwife. I took things like red raspberry leaf to help with uterine health and nettle leaf as well as alfalfa later on in my pregnancy. I really enjoyed taking theses and felt my health was really being supported naturally. Now that I am officially postpartum I am taking a few other things from Wish Read more [...]
Islabikes Cnoc 14 Large ~ A Review

Thank you to Islabikes for providing me with product in exchange for review purposes. All opinions belong to myself.
I consider my little girl to be a very cautious child. She can get pretty easily discouraged within just one try of something new. We often spend a bit of time comforting her and reassuring her while she tries something new. Her balance bike was no different, she walked it for a long time before she decided to pick her feet up and coast on it. So I was nervous when it came to Read more [...]
Cheddar’s Scratch Kitchen ~ Food that Nourishes the Soul

Thank you to Cheddar's for providing me with a complimentary dinner in exchange for review purposes. All opinions belong to me.
You all know by now that my husband and I love trying new and adventurous foods. What I haven't talked about is a bit of my food history. I remember as a child bringing lunch from home that I was so incredibly proud of. Most other children around me were bringing things like Lunchables packs and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. My mom always made home cooked food Read more [...]
Milk and Baby ~ Making Life Easier for New Moms

Thank you to Milk and Baby for providing me with product in exchange for review. All opinions are my own.
Pregnancy and nursing can take a real toll on new moms. Our bodies look different, feel different and are much harder to style during pregnancy and during the nursing journey. Sometimes what fit during pregnancy doesn't fit well during nursing and sometimes the other way around. Some maternity clothes fit better but might not be functional nursing attire. Either way there are a lot of different Read more [...]
5 Tips to Pass the Last Weeks of Pregnancy

So here we are at week 38. I could technically go into labor at any point really but I've always carried over so we will see! I am so excited and given that I have done this twice before I knew the last few weeks would be hard. I tried my best to hold off doing almost all baby prepping until the end so I would have things to keep me busy. I'd say those things I pushed back were done about two weeks ago. So now here I am at 38 weeks sharing with you all the few things I am doing to help pass these Read more [...]