Articles by Lakota
What I Use Instead of a Purse ~ A Waterfly Review (& Giveaway)

Thank you to Waterfly for providing me with product in exchange for review purposes. All opinions are my own.
I've always been the type of person to need only what is practical. I follow this motto when it comes to my style and fashion choices as well. When I had my first child I carried a diaper bag along only for as long as I really had to and just kept all my important cards, money and necessities in my pocket or inside my car. I recently saw a woman with a crossover step type bag and thus Read more [...]
Four Tips to Prevent Bloat in Great Danes

Great Danes are such absolutely beautiful dogs. Their size is so well coupled with their gentle nature. Unfortunately often times it’s that amazing size that can potentially lead to their death. Because Danes are so big and have such deep chests they often times uffer from bloat. Bloat occurs when the stomach flips and twists and results in the restricted circulation of the digestive organs and eventually the death of those organs if not treated soon enough. While bloat can be treated survival Read more [...]
Why Great Danes Are The Best Family Dogs

We did a lot of research before deciding on getting a Great Dane. Given that we wanted to add to our already exhausting family we knew the breed we chose had to be family friendly. Here’s all the reasons why a Great Dane fits the perfect family dog role!
Great for apartment living.
Now I don’t personally live in an apartment but my house as I’ve discussed before is small. Great Danes aren’t high energy dogs so they do great in smaller spaces with only so much as a walk a day.
Gentle Read more [...]
Learning to Grow With Back to The Roots

Thank you to Back to The Roots for providing me with product in exchange for review purposes. All opinions belong to me.
As my kids grew I always found it important to discuss with them where the food on their plate came from. When we were eating meat, it was explained and when we ate eggs we explained where they came from as well. When we switched to a whole food plant based vegan diet some of that explaining went out the window. We just chalked it up to farms and didn’t feel it needed more. Read more [...]
Koyah Superfood Powders ~ A Review

Thank you to Koyah for providing me with product in exchange for review. All opinions are my own.
When my family switched to a whole food plant based diet a lot of our meals didn’t look as familiar as they used to. I find myself often trying to make meals that look familiar or use familiar ingredients to help our children transition even easier. One way to make foods more exciting and familiar is to use colors. Now we have all heard about the problems that could come with using traditional Read more [...]